Gannon, Kate Elizabeth; Hulme, Mike (2018): Geoengineering at the “Edge of the World”. Exploring perceptions of ocean fertilisation through the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation

Gannon, Kate Elizabeth; Hulme, Mike (2018): Geoengineering at the “Edge of the World”. Exploring perceptions of ocean fertilisation through the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation. In Geo: Geography and Environment 5 (1), e00054. DOI: 10.1002/geo2.54.

„More broadly, the controversy illustrated long‐standing arguments about the desirability and feasibility of ocean fertilisation as a geoengineering response to the threat of anthropogenic climate change. Using the HSRC case, this paper reports a novel situated study of public perceptions of geoengineering that combines ethnographic engagement with Q‐methodology.“