Bajamundi, C.; et al. (2019): Capturing CO2 from air. Technical performance and process control improvement

Bajamundi, C.; Koponen, J.; Ruuskanen, V.; Elfving, J.; Kosonen, A.; Kauppinen, J. ; Ahola, J. (2019): Capturing CO2 from air. Technical performance and process control improvement. In: Journal of CO2 Utilization 30, S. 232–239. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcou.2019.02.002.

„Direct air capture (DAC) is a technology for collecting and concentrating carbon dioxide from ambient air. If driven with renewable power, DAC is potentially a negative CO2 emissions technology that can compensate emissions from non-point sources such as aviation, shipping and land-use change. This study presents the results of 10 days capture campaign done between May and July 2018 plus a process control improvement test.“