Horton, J.; et al. (2019): Multilateral parametric climate risk insurance: a tool to facilitate agreement about deployment of solar geoengineering?

Horton, J.; Keith, D. (2019): Multilateral parametric climate risk insurance: a tool to facilitate agreement about deployment of solar geoengineering? In: Climate Policy 19 (7), S. 820–826. DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2019.1607716.

„States will disagree about deployment of solar geoengineering, technologies that would reflect a small portion of incoming sunlight to reduce risks of climate change, and most disagreements will be grounded in conflicting interests. States that object to deployment will have many options to oppose it, so states favouring deployment will have a powerful incentive to meet their objections. Objections rooted in opposition to the anticipated unequal consequences of deployment may be met through compensation, yet climate policy is inhospitable to compensation via liability. We propose that multilateral parametric climate risk insurance might be a useful tool to facilitate agreement on solar geoengineering deployment.“