Dai, Zhen; et al. (2021): Elicitation of US and Chinese expert judgments show consistent views on solar geoengineering

Dai, Zhen; Burns, Elizabeth T.; Irvine, Peter J.; Tingley, Dustin H.; Xu, Jianhua; Keith, David W. (2021): Elicitation of US and Chinese expert judgments show consistent views on solar geoengineering. In Humanit Soc Sci Commun 8 (1), pp. 1–9. DOI: 10.1057/s41599-020-00694-6.

„We performed face-to-face interviews using formal expert elicitation methods with 13 US and 13 Chinese climate experts randomly selected from IPCC authors or supplemented by snowball sampling. We compare their judgments on climate change, SG research, governance, and deployment.“