Klaus, Geraldine; et al. (2021): Effects of opinion statements on laypeoples acceptance of a climate engineering technology. Comparing the source credibility of researchers, politicians and a citizens jury

Klaus, Geraldine; Oswald, Lisa; Ernst, Andreas; Merk, Christine (2021): Effects of opinion statements on laypeople’s acceptance of a climate engineering technology. Comparing the source credibility of researchers, politicians and a citizens‘ jury. In JCOM 20 (01), A03. DOI: 10.22323/2.20010203.

„To examine the influence of different actors‘ fictitious statements about research and deployment of stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), we conducted an online survey in Germany. Participants assess researchers and a citizens‘ jury to be more credible than politicians. Credibility has a strong positive effect on SAI acceptance in both pro-SAI and contra-SAI conditions. Reading the statement against SAI-deployment led to significantly lower acceptance scores compared to reading the pro-statement.“