Bodansky, Daniel; Wanser, Kelly (2021): Think Globally, Govern Locally: Designing a National Research Program on Near-Term Climate Risks and Possible Interventions

Bodansky, Daniel; Wanser, Kelly (2021): Think Globally, Govern Locally: Designing a National Research Program on Near-Term Climate Risks and Possible Interventions. Center for Climate and Energy Solutions [&] SilverLining.

„In this paper, authors Dan Bodansky and Kelly Wanser describe how the establishment of a well-designed national research program on near-term climate risks and interventions can generate knowledge to support international cooperation and set a precedent for responsible climate intervention research internationally. The authors outline the elements of a model national program aimed at providing information in a timely, safe, and open manner to allow for evaluation by policymakers and the public.“