Palmer, James; Carton, Wim (2021): Carbon Removal as Carbon Revival? Bioenergy, Negative Emissions, and the Politics of Alternative Energy Futures

Palmer, James; Carton, Wim (2021): Carbon Removal as Carbon Revival? Bioenergy, Negative Emissions, and the Politics of Alternative Energy Futures. In Front. Clim. 3, p. 60. DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2021.678031.

„This Perspective therefore calls for governance frameworks for carbon dioxide removal to adjudicate between conflicting approaches to achieving negative emissions not only on the basis of technical efficiency, or even ‘on-the-ground’ social and environmental impacts, but also according to compatibility with socially legitimate visions and understandings of what energy – and more specifically energy use – should ultimately be for in the post-fossil fuel era.“