Capanna, Steve; et al. (2021): Early Deployment of Direct Air Capture with Dedicated Geologic Storage. Federal Policy Options
Capanna, Steve; Higdon, Jake; Lackner, Maureen (2021): Early Deployment of Direct Air Capture with Dedicated Geologic Storage. Federal Policy Options. Environmental Defense Fund. Available online at
„We describe and evaluate ten policy options for financially supporting deployment, either through capital or operations support. We also discuss three enabling policies that do not directly induce deployment, but are still important pieces of the innovation cycle. 1. Capital support: Investment tax credits, accelerated depreciation, loan programs, tax-advantaged financing structures, and public competitions. 2. Operations support: Production tax credits, procurement (including reverse auctions and contracts for differences), direct payments, government-owned contractor-operated facilities (GOCOs), and emissions pricing and standards. 3. Enabling policies: Federal research, development, and demonstration (RD[&]D); accelerated CO2 storage development; and CO2 transport infrastructure.“