Zhang et al. (2023): Utilization of solid wastes to sequestrate carbon dioxide in cement-based materials and methods to improve carbonation degree: A review

Qi Zhang, Pan Feng, Xuyan Shen, Jinyuan Lu, Shaoxiong Ye, Haochuan Wang, Tung Chai Ling, Qianping Ran IN: Journal of CO2 Utilization 72, 102502, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcou.2023.102502

In this paper, the carbonation potential and the state-of-art carbonation techniques of various solid wastes are comprehensively reviewed, and a pathway to reach net-zero carbon dioxide emission for cement-based materials is proposed. Then physical, chemical and microbiological methods to enhance the carbonation degree of solid wastes are summarized, with both advantages and disadvantages of each method are given. In the end, the challenges and perspectives of the utilization of solid wastes to sequester carbon dioxide in cement-based materials are proposed.