Zhang et al. (2023): Biochar Aged for Five Years Altered Carbon Fractions and Enzyme Activities of Sandy Soil
Yuxin Zhang, Wenqi Ma, Xia Sun, Jingbailun Jiang, Dianpeng Li, Guangmu Tang, Wanli Xu, Hongtao Jia IN: Land 12(8), 1645; https://doi.org/10.3390/land12081645
The effect of biochar aged for 5 years on the different carbon fractions and enzyme activities as well as its changes, is not well understood in the cropland sandy soil of northern China. Therefore, a field trial was carried out in 2014 with biochar applied once at 0, 5.25, 10.50, 21.00 and 42.00 g·kg−1. The authors evaluated the influence of biochar addition to the changes in soil organic carbon (SOC), labile carbon pools (readily oxidized carbon, dissolved organic carbon, and microbial biomass carbon) and enzyme activities (invertase, urease, and catalase).