Seminar and networking in Brussels for permanent removals: How can BECCS contribute to your net-zero target?

7th of November; 3 p.m – 5 p.m; Stockholm Region EU Office or online

This seminar will highlight the emerging market demand for carbon removal units, discuss how permanent removals can support the achievement of net-zero targets, increase your knowledge of BECCS and place the technology in a larger European context. Meet company leaders, politicians, NGO:s and researchers who will discuss the latest in this fast-moving field. After the seminar you are invited to mingle with the participants.

Keynote speakers: Dr. Oliver Geden, Head of Research Cluster Climate Policy and Politics, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP). Vice-Chair, Working Group III Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); Dr. Piera Patrizio, Head of Research, Science Based Targets initiativ; Dr. Fabian Levihn, Head of R&D Stockholm Exergi, Docent (reader) at the Royal Intitute of Technology, EU DG Clima expert on carbon removals