Chen et al. (2023): Theoretical evaluation on CO2 removal potential of enhanced weathering based on shrinking core model

Anqi Chen, Zhuo Chen, Bo-Lin Lin IN: Environmental Research Letters, DOI10.1088/1748-9326/ad085e

Among the engineered CDRs, enhanced weathering (EW) is expected to exhibit substantial potential for CO2 removal, owing to the availability of abundant reserves of ultramafic rocks and demonstration of worldwide liming practice. While the shrinking core model (SCM) has been commonly adopted in previous theoretical and experimental studies, there still lacks a comprehensive assessment on the impacts of model parameters, such as rock particle size, size distribution, weathering rate and time length on the weathering kinetics and the resultant CDR potential. Herein, this study incorporates particle size distribution of rock powder into the surface reaction-controlled SCM, and conducts sensitivity analysis on EW’s CDR potential quantitatively.