Tapia et al. (2023): Bilevel Optimization of Enhanced Weathering Networks with P-graph

Tapia J.F.D., Aviso K.B., Tan R.R., Walmsley T.G. IN: Chemical Engineering Transactions, 103, 451-456

Enhanced weathering (EW) is a promising CDR technique based on the acceleration of naturally occurring reactions between alkaline minerals with carbonic acid in rainwater. The reactive minerals are pulverized and then applied at a calibrated rate to terrestrial sites; the weathering reaction results in carbon sequestration as bicarbonate ions in the runoff water. EW can be deployed via carbon management networks (CMNs) of sources (mineral-crushing plants) and sinks (application sites). However, current CMN optimization models fail to account for the presence of multiple players (i.e., government and industry) with conflicting objectives. Bilevel optimization models can be used to account for these conflicts via leader-follower games. In this work, a P-graph approach to the optimization of EW-based CMNs is developed.