Power et al. (2023): The Mining Industry’s Role in Enhanced Weathering and Mineralization for CO2 Removal

Ian M. Power, Carlos Paulo, Kwon Rausis IN: Environmental Science Technologie, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c05081

As a supplier of rock powder, the mining industry will be at the epicenter of the global implementation of Enhanced weathering and mineralization (EWM). Certain alkaline mine wastes sequester CO2 under conventional mining conditions, which should be quantified across the industry. Furthermore, mines are ideal locations for testing acceleration strategies since tailings impoundments are contained and highly monitored. While some environmentally benign mine wastes may be repurposed for off-site use─reducing costs and risks associated with their storage─numerous new mines will be needed to supply rock powders to reach the gigatonne scale