Liu et al. (2024): Sustainable utilization of concrete slurry waste in eco-friendly artificial lightweight cold-bonded aggregates: An alternative pathway for efficiently sequestrating CO2

Jun Liu, Lei Cheng, Hesong Jin, Feng Xing IN: Construction and Building Material, 421, 135759,

Concrete slurry waste (CSW) has the potential of capturing or sequestering CO2. This study designed the low-carbon artificial lightweight cold-bonded aggregates with ultra-high volume of CSW, OSP and MSWIBA (CSW-ALCBAs), and the CO2 sequestrating, compressive strength, and physical properties, leaching toxicity and CO2 emissions of CSW-ALCBAs were investigated. Meanwhile, a novel carbonization device was designed to quantitatively evaluate the potential of CSW-ALCBAs for CO2 adsorption.