Iff et al. (2024): The Dissolution of Olivine Added to Soil at 32°C: The Fate of Weathering Products and its Implications for Enhanced Weathering at Different Temperatures

Nicholas Iff, Phil Renfort, Philip Pogge von Strandmann IN: Frontiers in Climate, doi: 10.3389/fclim.2024.1252210

This study uses an experimental setup that aims to encapsulate natural field conditions in a controlled setting using soil cores retrieved from UK cropland amended with crushed olivine at 32°C. Results are compared to previously run identical enhanced weathering experiments at 4°C and 19°C. The experiments reveal temperature-dependent variations in the behaviour of different elements, most importantly Mg and Si, with silicon being retained at moderate temperatures and magnesium being retained at higher temperatures, most likely due to different retention mechanisms such as Si reprecipitation (e.g. as cation-depleted encapsulating Si layers) and cation exchange (affecting Mg, but to a lesser degree Si).