Month: December 2013

Markusson, Nils; et al. (2013): ‘In case of emergency press here’: framing geoengineering as a response to dangerous climate change

Markusson, Nils; Ginn, Franklin; Singh Ghaleigh, Navraj; Scott, Vivian (2013): ‘In case of emergency press here’: framing geoengineering as a response to dangerous climate change. (online first). In WIREs Clim Change, pp. n/a. DOI 10.1002/wcc.263.

“In this article, we take the notion of ‘necessity’ in international law as a starting point in assessing how rapid, high-leverage geoengineering might be justified legally.”


Szerszynski, Bronislaw; Galarraga, Maialen (2013): Geoengineering knowledge: interdisciplinarity and the shaping of climate engineering research

Szerszynski, Bronislaw; Galarraga, Maialen (2013): Geoengineering knowledge: interdisciplinarity and the shaping of climate engineering research. In Environ. Plann. A 45 (12), pp. 2817–2824. DOI 10.1068/a45647.

“In this paper we highlight the need to attend to the structuring power of knowledge production in geoengineering research, because of the way that problem definitions are shaped by disciplinary ways of thinking and describing the world.”
