Tag: maritime sequestration

Maritime transport emissions: Commission welcomes new IMO climate ambition for 2030, 2040 and 2050 and calls to set transition in motion

ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/, 7 July 2023

“The Commission welcomes the agreement reached today at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to revise its 2018 strategy on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships. The agreement is a milestone to cut the carbon footprint of international maritime transport and ensure that the shipping sector makes a fair contribution to achieving the Paris Agreement targets, commensurate to its 3% share of global emissions. […] A trajectory has also been agreed with indicative checkpoints set at reducing GHG emissions from ships by at least 20% – striving for 30% – in 2030 and at least 70% – striving for 80% – in 2040, both in comparison to 2008 levels.”


Damartzis et al. (2022): Solvents for Membrane-Based Post-Combustion CO2 Capture for Potential Application in the Marine Environment

Theodoros Damartzis, Akrivi Asimakopoulou, Dimitrios Koutsonikolas, George Skevis, Chara Georgopoulou, George Dimopoulos, Lampros Nikolopoulos, Konstantinos Bougiouris , Hannes Richter ,Udo Lubenau, Solon Economopoulos, Cristina Perinu, David Hopkinson, Grigorios Panagakos IN: Appl. Sci. 12(12), 6100; https://doi.org/10.3390/app12126100

In this paper, the authors present an comprehensive review of the different solvents that can be used for post-combustion CO2 capture on-board ships. Furthermore, they investigated the solvents’ performance as determined by their inherent characteristics, properties, and behavior for a range of operating conditions against the strict shipping requirements.


A Research Strategy for Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal and Sequestration

A Consensus Study Report of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Washington DC; The national Academies press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26278

Two complementary reports released the last two days highlight the potential for the ocean to remove carbon from the atmosphere and the need for responsible deployment to be guided by science research and governance. This National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report covers the current state of understanding for ocean-based carbon removal and provides a research pathway to resolve the knowledge gaps. The Aspen Institute report (post from Dec 8) charts out the first steps to develop a code of conduct for ocean-based carbon removal. Both reports identify crucial considerations to inform how to move forward with harnessing the power of the oceans to remove climate pollution.



Burt, Daniel J.; et al. (2021): The Sensitivity of the Marine Carbonate System to Regional Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement

Burt, Daniel J.; Fröb, Friederike; Ilyina, Tatiana (2021): The Sensitivity of the Marine Carbonate System to Regional Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement. In Front. Clim. 3, p. 21. DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2021.624075.

“Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) simultaneously mitigates atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and ocean acidification; however, no previous studies have investigated the response of the non-linear marine carbonate system sensitivity to alkalinity enhancement on regional scales. We hypothesise that regional implementations of OAE can sequester more atmospheric CO2 than a global implementation.”


Call for Nominations: Designing a Framework for Responsible Research to Evaluate CO2 Removal and Environmental Effects of Sinking Marine Biomass: Call for Nominations to an Expert Working Group

Deadline: 22. August 2021

“Ocean Visions and its partner, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), announce a call for self-nominations from scientists, engineers, technologists, entrepreneurs, environmental managers, conservationists, and other relevant actors to join a working group to develop a framework for responsible research regarding the fate and environmental impacts of sinking marine biomass (seaweed) to the deep ocean for carbon dioxide removal.”


Scott, Karen N. (2021): Not an Intractable Challenge. Geoengineering MSR in ABNJ

Scott, Karen N. (2021): Not an Intractable Challenge. Geoengineering MSR in ABNJ. In Myron H. Nordquist, John Norton Moore (Eds.): Marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction. Leiden, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV (Center for oceans law and policy, volume 24), pp. 189–210. Available online at http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1163/j.ctv1sr6jp5.17.

“This chapter examines the rules relating to marine scientific research as they apply to marine geoengineering taking place in ABNJ.”


Project: CDRmare

“In order to support pathways that achieve the Paris Agreement goals, the DAM Research Mission »Marine Carbon Sinks in Decarbonization Pathways« will address as to whether and to what extent the ocean can play a substantial role in removing and storing CO2 from the atmosphere. The product will be a Marine Carbon Roadmap for a sustainable utilization of the marine carbon pools on regional to global scales.”


Siegel, David A.; et al. (2021): Assessing the sequestration time scales of some ocean-based carbon dioxide reduction strategies

Siegel, David A.; DeVries, Tim; Doney, Scott; Bell, Tom (2021): Assessing the sequestration time scales of some ocean-based carbon dioxide reduction strategies. In Environ. Res. Lett. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac0be0.

“Here, a model of steady state global ocean circulation and mixing is used to assess the time scales over which CO2 injected in the ocean interior remains sequestered from the atmosphere.”