Month: February 2018

Science: The carbon harvest

“To limit warming, humanity also needs negative emissions technologies that, by the end of the century, would remove more carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere than humans emit. The technologies would buy time for society to rein in carbon emissions, but they also give policymakers an excuse to drag their feet on climate action in the hopes that future inventions will clean up the mess.”


European Commission (2018): ‘Cooling-off effect’ causes public perception of novel environmental technology to improve over time

European Commission (2018): ‘Cooling-off effect’ causes public perception of novel environmental technology to improve over time (Science for Environmental Policy, 503).

“Researchers have published a paper providing evidence that a ‘cooling-off effect’ can lead to increased public acceptance of new environmental technologies over time. The scientists analysed survey results from over 1 000 respondents in Germany, using solar radiation management (SRM), a controversial climate-engineering technique, as a test case.”


Bellamy, Rob; Healey, Peter (2018): ‘Slippery slope’ or ‘uphill struggle’? Broadening out expert scenarios of climate engineering research and development

Bellamy, Rob; Healey, Peter (2018): ‘Slippery slope’ or ‘uphill struggle’? Broadening out expert scenarios of climate engineering research and development. In Environmental Science [&] Policy 83, pp.[nbsp]1–10. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2018.01.021.

“In this article we report on the findings of a scenarios method designed to interrogate how far these ‘climate engineering’ ideas may develop in the future and under what governance arrangements. Unlike previous studies in climate engineering foresight that have narrowly focussed on academic perspectives, a single climate engineering idea and a restricted range of issues, our approach sought to respond to theoretical imperatives for ‘broadening out’ and ‘opening up’ research methods applied to highly uncertain and ambiguous topics.”


Ohio Norther University: Faculty members earn NAC&U grants for collaborate projects with colleagues at other institutions

“Further, the grant will allow the two participating faculty members to travel and meet with environmental studies faculty members as well as experts on climate change and climate engineering at the University of Washington. The insights that are gleaned from the meeting will help set parameters for future interdisciplinary projects in the areas of climate technologies and religion.”


The Plastocene Blog: Philosopher Meets Meteorologist to Talk About Climate Engineering

“In a recent article for Grist, meteorologist Eric Holthaus claims that we are already locked into a devil’s bargain on climate change. The bargain asks us to weigh a trade-off between two things that pollution in the atmosphere does for us. On the one hand, it causes serious health and respiratory problems that kill over 6 million people per year. On the other, it has the side-effect of keeping global temperatures down by reflecting a small portion of the incoming solar heat back out into space.”