Month: June 2018

Gough, Clair; et al. (2018): Challenges to the use of BECCS as a keystone technology in pursuit of 1.5⁰C

Gough, Clair; Garcia-Freites, Samira; Jones, Christopher; Mander, Sarah; Moore, Brendan; Pereira, Cristina et al. (2018): Challenges to the use of BECCS as a keystone technology in pursuit of 1.5⁰C. In: Glob. Sustain. 1, S. 95. DOI: 10.1017/sus.2018.3.

“Biomass energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) is represented in many integrated assessment models as a keystone technology in delivering the Paris Agreement on climate change. This paper explores six key challenges in relation to large scale BECCS deployment and considers ways to address these challenges. Research needs to consider how BECCS fits in the context of other mitigation approaches, how it can be accommodated within existing policy drivers and goals, identify where it fits within the wider socioeconomic landscape, and ensure that genuine net negative emissions can be delivered on a global scale.”


Talberg, Anita; et al. (2018): A scenario process to inform Australian geoengineering policy

Talberg, Anita; Thomas, Sebastian; Wiseman, John (2018): A scenario process to inform Australian geoengineering policy. In: Futures. DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2018.06.003.

“Australia’s role in geoengineering can be described as passive in the global context, but Australia can benefit from an early transition to a low-carbon economy. A review of the evolution of ideas throughout the exercise reveals a process of shared learning that helps to focus governance discussions around key issues. This study is one step towards increasing the presence and influence of the Asia-Pacific in geoengineering discussions, and highlights the value that a tailored scenario exercise can bring to governance discussions.”


Markus, Till; et al. (2018): An Assessment of Climate Engineering from a Buddhist Perspective

Markus, Till;[nbsp]Vivekānanda,[nbsp]Bhikkhu;[nbsp]Lawrence, Mark (2018): An Assessment of Climate Engineering from a Buddhist Perspective. In Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. DOI: 10.1558/jsrnc.34831

“This article expounds a Buddhist perspective on the rapidly emerging topic of Climate Engineering, i.e. the deliberate, large-scale manipulation of the environment as a proposed means to counteract anthropogenic climate change or some of its specific aspects like global mean temperature increase. It sets the stage with two orthogonal aspects: an overview of the topic of Climate Engineering, and a broader analysis of the Buddhist perspective on mankind’s relationship with nature. Linking these together, we show that as one of the world’s major faiths, Buddhism can provide valuable insights and perspectives for the evolving global discourse on Climate Engineering methods, and that it advocates some basic requirements concerning their further development and possible future deployment.”


Call for Papers: Evaluating the feasibility and consequences of solar geoengineering (AGU 2018)

Deadline: 01. August 2018

“This session will present work that addresses three of these challenges: Can a substantial negative radiative forcing (e.g., 1-4 Wm-2) be practically achieved? What is the climate response to radiative forcing from solar geoengineering? What are the non-climate environmental risks or impacts of specific methods of solar geoengineering? […]”


ETC Group: Media Advisory: New fact sheets reveal status of geoengineering technology development

“To help navigate fact and fiction on geoengineering, today Geoengineering Monitor, a civil society information hub run by ETC Group, Heinrich Böll Foundation and Biofuelwatch, has released fourteen fact sheets that give up-to-date information on the status, key players, and potential impacts of some of most prominent geoengineering technologies.”