Month: July 2018

Job at Waldron

No Deadline

“The Foundation’s Conservation and Science Program is seeking a Climate Program Officer to manage and oversee its portfolio of work on bioenergy and carbon dioxide removal. In this newly created position that will join a team working on climate change, you will have an exciting opportunity to help shape and guide the trajectory of the Foundation’s work in the climate space.”


Science für the People: Geoengineering

“From Barack Obama’s science advisor to the current Republican House Science Committee, the large-scale manipulation of the climate to mitigate global warming–geoengineering, for short–has gained a hearing in the halls of government. For their part, billionaire tycoons such as Bill Gates and Richard Branson champion their own role to drive geoengineering innovation.”


Wolovick, Michael J.; et al. (2018): Stopping the Flood. Could We Use Targeted Geoengineering to Mitigate Sea Level Rise?

Wolovick, Michael J.; Moore, John C. (2018): Stopping the Flood. Could We Use Targeted Geoengineering to Mitigate Sea Level Rise? In: The Cryosphere Discuss., S. 1–20. DOI: 10.5194/tc-2018-95.

“Here, we use a suite of coupled ice–ocean flowband simulations to explore whether targeted geoengineering using an artificial sill or artificial ice rises could counter a collapse. Successful interventions occur when the floating ice shelf regrounds on the pinning points, increasing buttressing and reducing ice flux across the grounding line. Regrounding is more likely with a continuous sill that is able to block warm water transport to the grounding line.”


Neuber, Frederike (2017): Buying Time with Climate Engineering? An analysis of the buying time framing in favor of climate engineering

Neuber, Frederike (2017): Buying Time with Climate Engineering? An analysis of the buying time framing in favor of climate engineering. DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000084294

“Can climate engineering help provide more time for an ambitious mitigation program? And if so, is a buying time deployment of climate engineering morally acceptable? The work at hand means to thoroughly scrutinize this specific argument of the climate engineering discourse – the buying time argument (BT-argument). The point of departure of this research is the notion that climate engineering (CE) is not inherently morally wrong. The guiding question is: Is there a possible buying time deployment of a climate engineering technology absent any general moral constraints?”