Month: May 2019

Amazing Newspaper: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Market Detailed Analytical Overview by 2025

“Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a process wherein up to 90% of carbon dioxide emissions produced as a result of combustion of fossil fuels, are captured. Thus, preventing them from entering the atmosphere. The process comprises three steps, first step involves capturing the carbon dioxide which is emitted, second step involves transportation of the captured carbon dioxide and the third step involves its secure storage.”


MIT Technology Review: Why the world’s biggest CO2-sucking plant would be used to … err, dig up more oil?

A Canadian startup plans to build the largest carbon dioxide removal plant in the world, capable of sucking half a million metric tons of the greenhouse gas out of the air every year. If the project is ultimately built, it will represent a big step forward for direct air capture, a technology that a growing number of studies find could be essential for preventing dangerous levels of global warming. But it comes with a catch.


Zhang, C.; et al. (2019): Biochar for environmental management. Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, contaminant treatment, and potential negative impacts

Zhang, C.; Zeng, G.; Huang, D.; Lai, C.; Chen, M.; Cheng, M. et al. (2019): Biochar for environmental management. Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, contaminant treatment, and potential negative impacts. In: Chemical Engineering Journal 373, S. 902–922. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2019.05.139.

“This review provides new insights into the state-of-the-art accomplishments in the utilization of biochar in environmental management and covers three perspectives: firstly, mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, such as sequestration of CO2 and CH4 in global carbon pools and mitigation of N2O emissions; secondly, pollution control, including adsorptive removal and reactive removal of inorganic and organic contaminants; thirdly, potential negative aspects of biochar applications, including contaminations originated from biochar, negative alterations to soil properties and soil biota, negative impacts of biochar on GHG emissions and negative impacts of biochar migration.”


Ye, Y.; et al. (2019): Dramatic differences in carbon dioxide adsorption and initial steps of reduction between silver and copper

Ye, Y.; Yang, H.; Qian, J.; Su, H.; Lee, K.; Cheng, T. et al. (2019): Dramatic differences in carbon dioxide adsorption and initial steps of reduction between silver and copper. In: Nat Comms 10 (1), S. 1875. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-09846-y.

“Converting carbon dioxide (CO2) into liquid fuels and synthesis gas is a world-wide priority. But there is no experimental information on the initial atomic level events for CO2 electroreduction on the metal catalysts to provide the basis for developing improved catalysts. Here we combine ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy with quantum mechanics to examine the processes as Ag is exposed to CO2 both alone and in the presence of H2O at 298 K.”