Month: April 2016

Keith, David W.; Parker, Andrew (2015): Will solar geoengineering helpus manage the risks of climate change?

Keith, David W.; Parker, Andrew (2015): Will solar geoengineering helpus manage the risks of climate change? In : Our world and us. How our environment andour societies will change. Allianz SE. München, pp. 77–92.

“In this chapter, we speculate about the future of solar geoengineering – also called solar radiation management or SRM.”


McNutt, Marcia (2016): Climate Intervention. Climate Intervention: Possible Impacts on Global Security and Resilience

McNutt, Marcia (2016): Climate Intervention. Climate Intervention: Possible Impacts on Global Security and Resilience. In Engineering (2), pp. 50–51. DOI 10.1016/J.ENG.2016.01.015.

“To date, most research on countering the impacts of climate change has focused on mitigating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions or on adapting human and natural systems to make them more resilient to the effects of a changing climate. Recently a committee was convened by the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to consider a third option, climate intervention, also known as geoengineering.”


Salazar, F.J.T.; et al. (2016): Intervening in Earth’s climate system through space-based solar reflectors

Salazar, F.J.T.; McInnes, C. R.; Winter, O. C. (2016): Intervening in Earth’s climate system through space-based solar reflectors. In Advances in Space Research. DOI 10.1016/j.asr.2016.04.007.

“In this study, solar reflectors on polar orbits are proposed to intervene in the Earth’s climate system, involving near circular polar orbits normal to the ecliptic plane of the Earth. Similarly, a family of displaced polar orbits (non-Keplerian orbits) are also characterized to mitigate future natural climate variability, producing a modest global temperature increase, again to compensate for possible future cooling. “


Think Progress: The Senate Just Passed An Energy Bill That Would Make Forests A ‘Carbon Neutral’ Energy Source

“The first major update to the nation’s energy policy in eight years passed the Senate Wednesday with bipartisan support, as it concentrates on common ground topics like infrastructure improvements, cyber security, and energy efficiency. Yet an amendment in the bill — dubbed the Energy Policy Modernization Act — that would classify biomass as carbon neutral has angered dozens of environmental organizations, who say it puts forests at risk.”


Engelke, Peter; Chiu, Daniel Y. (2016): Climate Change and US National Security. Past, Present, Future

Engelke, Peter; Chiu, Daniel Y. (2016): Climate Change and US National Security. Past, Present, Future. Washington, D.C: Atlantic Council.

With a chapter on CE. “However, absent mitigation, a changing climate could feasibly overwhelm adaptation efforts. Under such circumstances, a state or even an individual might turn to geoengineering (also referred to as climate engineering) in order to fashion a solution. Yet attempts to geoengineer the Earth’s ecosystems would be risky because geoengineering is an unproven field and such efforts would hold unknown consequences.”


Project: Solar Radiation Management: Foresight for Governance (SRM4G)

About the foresight workshops by IASS and Foresight Inteligence. “SRM4G is the latest in a growing number of scenario development exercises on the topic of climate engineering (previous examples include Milkoreit et al. 2011; Banerjee et al. 2013; Bellamy [&] Healey 2014; Boettcher et al. 2015). One of the longest-running scenario projects of its kind in the field, it has arguably produced the most detailed results.”
