CO2-removal news

Berkey, Brian (2014): State Action, State Policy, and the Doing/Allowing Distinction

Berkey, Brian (2014): State Action, State Policy, and the Doing/Allowing Distinction. In Ethics, Policy [&] Environment 17 (2), pp. 147–149. DOI 10.1080/21550085.2014.926074.

Response to Morrow, David R. (2014). “On his view, the moral significance of the doing/allowing distinction entails that the improven in the overall risk provile would have to be very large in order for state deployment of SRM to be permissible, since SRM would involve the state in doing harm to some, while refusing to deploy it would involve the state in merely allowing harm to befall others as a result of climate change.”


Smith, Patrick Taylor (2014): Redirecting Threats, the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing, and the Special Wrongness of Solar Radiation Management

Smith, Patrick Taylor (2014): Redirecting Threats, the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing, and the Special Wrongness of Solar Radiation Management. In Ethics, Policy [&] Environment 17 (2), pp. 143–146. DOI 10.1080/21550085.2014.926073.

Response to Morrow, David R. (2014). “My responso to Morrow’s thought-provoking paper makes two points. First, SRM is more plausibly conceeived of as a redirection, which is not a doing on Morrow’s view. Secons, SRM as redirection provieds a strong foundation for the particularly high justificatory burden SRM must meet, regardless of wether the continuation of our current emissions behavior is a doing or an allowing.”


Preston, Christopher J. (2014): Philosophical Clarity and Real-world Debate

Preston, Christopher J. (2014): Philosophical Clarity and Real-world Debate. In Ethics, Policy [&] Environment 17 (2), pp. 139–142. DOI 10.1080/21550085.2014.926067.

Response to Morrow, David R. (2014). “Morrow’s (2014) central conclusion is that the argument for using solar radiation management (SRM) to reduce the risks of climate change is ‘weaker that it apperas’ (p. 1). The work done towards that conclusion is methodical and well argued. But there are reason not get too immersed in the disciplined elegance on disciplined elegance on display.”


Morrow, David R. (2014): Starting a Flood to Stop a Fire? Some Moral Constraints on Solar Radiation Management

Morrow, David R. (2014): Starting a Flood to Stop a Fire? Some Moral Constraints on Solar Radiation Management. In Ethics, Policy [&] Environment 17 (2), pp. 123–138. DOI 10.1080/21550085.2014.926056.

“This paper examines the implications of two moral constraints—the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing, and the Doctrine of Double Effect—on this argument for SRM and SRM research.”


Horton, Joshua (2014): Solar Geoengineering: Reassessing Costs, Benefits, and Compensation

Horton, Joshua (2014): Solar Geoengineering: Reassessing Costs, Benefits, and Compensation. In Ethics, Policy [&] Environment 17 (2), pp. 175–177. DOI 10.1080/21550085.2014.926078.

“In this brief commentary, I will consider the true severity of several of the obstacles identified by Svoboda and Irvine, and make the case that a comprehensive ethical perspective on SRM requires a more complete exploration of the potential costs and benefits of solar geoengineering.”


Garcia, Robert K. (2014): Towards a Just Solar Radiation Management Compensation System: A Defense of the Polluter Pays Principle

Garcia, Robert K. (2014): Towards a Just Solar Radiation Management Compensation System: A Defense of the Polluter Pays Principle. In Ethics, Policy [&] Environment 17 (2), pp. 178–182. DOI 10.1080/21550085.2014.926079.

“I will do so by focusing on one of S[&]I’s important ethical challenges, their claim that the polluter pays principle (PPP) is too problematic to be useful in determining responsibility for SRM compensation.”


Svoboda, Toby; Irvine, Peter (2014): Ethical and Technical Challenges in Compensating for Harm Due to Solar Radiation Management Geoengineering

Svoboda, Toby; Irvine, Peter (2014): Ethical and Technical Challenges in Compensating for Harm Due to Solar Radiation Management Geoengineering. In Ethics, Policy [&] Environment 17 (2), pp. 157–174. DOI 10.1080/21550085.2014.927962.

“First, there is scientific uncertainty in detecting particular harmful impacts and causally attributing them to SRM. Second, there is ethical uncertainty regarding what principles should be used to determine responsibility and eligibility for compensation, as well as determining how much compensation ought to be paid.”


Cairns, Rose C. (2014): Climate geoengineering: issues of path-dependence and socio-technical lock-in

Cairns, Rose C. (2014): Climate geoengineering: issues of path-dependence and socio-technical lock-in. In WIREs Clim Change, pp. n/a. DOI 10.1002/wcc.296.

“With regard to climate geoengineering, there are concerns that geoengineering technologies might contribute so-called ‘carbon lock-in’, or become irreversibly ‘locked-in’ themselves.”
