Schlagwort: afforestation

Shanin et al. (2024): Predicting the effect of climate change and management on net carbon sequestration in the forest ecosystems of the European part of Russia with the complex of models

Vladimir Shanin, Sergey Chumachenko, Pavel Frolov, Irina Priputina, Daria Tebenkova, Anna Kolycheva IN: Ecological Modelling, 496, 110835,

The authors have integrated several ecological models (dynamic stand model FORRUS-S, soil organic matter model Romul_Hum, statistical climate generator SCLISS and process-based forest ecosystem model EFIMOD3) to simulate the ecosystem dynamics at the regional level in several study areas within the forest zone of the European part of Russia. The simulation results reflected both the direct effects of climate change and forest management actions on ecosystem carbon pools, and the indirect effects through changes in species composition. The simulation experiments were spatially detailed at the level of individual forest management units, thereby revealing the influence of habitat conditions on the rate of carbon sequestration under the influence of environmental factors. 


Nature – Wollnik et al. (2024): Dynamics of bio-based carbon dioxide removal in Germany

Ronja Wollnik, Malgorzata Borchers, Ruben Seibert, Susanne Abel, Pierre Herrmann, Peter Elsasser, Jakob Hildebrandt, Kathleen Meisel, Pia Hofmann, Kai Radtke, Marco Selig, Stanislav Kazmin, Nora Szarka, Daniela Thrän IN: Scientific Reports, 14,

Bio-based carbon dioxide removal encompasses a range of (1) natural sink enhancement concepts in agriculture and on organic soils including peatlands, and in forestry, (2) bio-based building materials, and (3) bioenergy production with CO2 capture and storage (BECCS). A common database on these concepts is crucial for their consideration in strategies and implementation. In this study, the authors analyse standardised factsheets on these concepts. 


Nature – Busch et al. (2024): Cost-effectiveness of natural forest regeneration and plantations for climate mitigation

Jonah Busch, Jacob J. Bukoski, Susan C. Cook-Patton, Bronson Griscom, David Kaczan, Matthew D. Potts, Yuanyuan Yi, Jeffrey R. Vincent IN: Nature Climate Change,

Here, the authors estimate and map GHG abatement cost (US$ per tCO2) for two common reforestation methods: natural regeneration and plantations. They do so by producing and integrating new maps of implementation costs and opportunity costs of reforestation, likely plantation genus and carbon accumulation by means of natural regeneration and plantations, accounting for storage in harvested wood products.


Leng et al. (2024): Forest aging limits future carbon sink in China

Yi Leng, Wei Li, Philippe Ciais, Minxuan Sun, Lei Zhu, Chao Yue, Jinfeng Chang, Yitong Yao, Yuan Zhang, Jiaxin Zhou, Zhao Li, Xuhui Wang, Yi Xi, Shushi Peng IN: One Earth, 7, 5,

Forecasting ahead to the year 2100, the work presented in this article shows that forest aging and the slowdown of atmospheric CO2 growth will reduce China’s land-based carbon sink by up to 1.1 Tg of carbon per year. Considering the commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2060, China needs to recognize the limitations of forests as a climate mitigation tool and promote stringent emission reductions in other sectors.


Nature – Hasegawa et al. (2024): Careful selection of forest types in afforestation can increase carbon sequestration by 25% without compromising sustainability

Tomoko Hasegawa, Shinichiro Fujimori, Akihiko Ito, Kiyoshi Takahashi IN: Communications Earth & Environment,

Here, the auhtors used an integrated assessment model to quantitatively demonstrate how the selection of forest type to use in afforestation could increase global carbon sequestration without compromising global food and land sustainability. Our findings indicate that if a carbon-intensive forest type is selected, afforestation would increase carbon sequestration by 25% compared to the level assuming the native forest type. At the same time, if implemented inappropriately at a large scale, afforestation would worsen the economy, food, and land systems due to decreased land efficiency in carbon removal compared to bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, leading to increased land expansion for carbon removal, higher food prices, and increased risk of hunger.


Nature – Hasler et al. (2024): Accounting for albedo change to identify climate-positive tree cover restoration

Natalia Hasler, Christopher A. Williams, Vanessa Carrasco Denney, Peter W. Ellis, Surendra Shrestha, Drew E. Terasaki Hart, Nicholas H. Wolff, Samantha Yeo, Thomas W. Crowther, Leland K. Werden & Susan C. Cook-Patton IN: Nature Communications, 15,

Restoring tree cover changes albedo, which is the fraction of sunlight reflected from the Earth’s surface. In most locations, these changes in albedo offset or even negate the carbon removal benefits with the latter leading to global warming. Previous efforts to quantify the global climate mitigation benefit of restoring tree cover have not accounted robustly for albedo given a lack of spatially explicit data. Here the authors produce maps that show that carbon-only estimates may be up to 81% too high.


Weber et al. (2024): Chemistry-albedo feedbacks offset up to a third of forestation’s CO2 removal benefits

James Weber, James A. King, Nathan Luke Abraham, Daniel P. Grosvenor, Christopher J. Smith, Youngsub Matthew Shin, Peter Lawrence, Stephanie Roe, David J. Beerling, Maria Val Martin IN: Science 383, 860-864,

Forestation is widely proposed for CDR, but its impact on climate through changes to atmospheric composition and surface albedo remains relatively unexplored. The authors assessed these responses using two Earth system models by comparing a scenario with extensive global forest expansion in suitable regions to other plausible futures.


Nature – Zhang et al. (2024): Forest carbon removal potential and sustainable development in Japan

Bingqi Zhang, Janaki Imbulana Arachchi, Shunsuke Managi IN: Scientific Reports 14, 647,

This study predicted Japan’s forest CO2 removal by afforestation and forest management and its monetary value until 2042 from national to gridded level, with statistical data and complementary satellite data products, and explored how that CO2 removal will contribute to sustainable development under the inclusive wealth (IW) framework. 


Warner et al. (2023): Young mixed planted forests store more carbon than monocultures—a meta-analysis

Emily Warner, Susan C. Cook-Patton, Owen T. Lewis, Nick Brown, Julia Koricheva, Nico Eisenhauer, Olga Ferlian, Dominique Gravel, Jefferson S. Hall, Hervé Jactel, Carolina Mayoral, Céline Meredieu, Christian Messier, Alain Paquette, William C. Parker, Catherine Potvin, Peter B. Reich, Andy Hector IN: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6,

To determine whether diversification of plantations would enhance aboveground carbon storage, the authors systematically reviewed over 11,360 publications, and acquired data from a global network of tree diversity experiments. They compiled a maximum dataset of 79 monoculture to mixed comparisons from 21 sites with all variables needed for a meta-analysis. The authors assessed aboveground carbon stocks in mixed-species planted forests vs. (a) the average of monocultures, (b) the best monoculture, and (c) commercial species monocultures, and examined potential mechanisms driving differences in carbon stocks between mixtures and monocultures.