Sovacool et al. (2023): Beyond climate stabilization: Exploring the perceived sociotechnical co-impacts of carbon removal and solar geoengineering
Benjamin K. Sovacool, Chad M. Baum, Sean Low IN: Ecological Economics 204, Part A, 107648,
The authors examined the prospective co-impacts of carbon removal (or negative emissions) and solar geoengineering. Based on (..) diverse expert interviews (N = 125), and using a sociotechnical approach, in this study the authors identify 107 perceived co-impacts related to the deployment of carbon removal and solar geoengineering technologies. Slightly less than half (52) were identified as positive co-impacts (38 for carbon removal, 14 for solar geoengineering), whereas slightly more than half (55) were identified as negative co-impacts (31 for carbon removal, 24 for solar geoengineering).