Schlagwort: UK

Harrington et al. (2024). Current rates of CO2 removal due to rock weathering in the UK

Kirsty J Harrington, Gideon M Henderson, Robert G Hilton IN: Science of the Total Environment DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177458

In the United Kingdom, the variable bedrock geology and long-legacy of anthropogenic land use provide challenges to isolating carbonate and silicate mineral weathering, meaning the we lack constraint on an important flux in the UK’s carbon cycle. Here the authors use river chemistry data collected over 40 years for 52 catchments across the UK and apply a geochemical inversion model (MEANDIR) to assess the silicate and carbonate contributions to UK river chemistry, and to estimate the CO2 consumption from natural weathering.


Hardisty & Workman (2024): A Collective Intelligence assembly approach to informing responsive net zero policy design: A greenhouse gas removal UK case study

Anna Hardisty, Mark Workman IN: Collective Intelligence, 3(2),

A case study was carried out on the application of the collective intelligence (CI) model to the UK GGR sector and the need to scale up and accelerate development in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable way. Through systems mapping, thematic analysis, workshops and semi-structured interviews, a rich dataset was formed on the existing level of and potential for CI within the UK GGR ecosystem.


Bakkaloglu et al. (2024): The role of negative emissions technologies in the UK’s net-zero strategy

Semra Bakkaloglu, Matthias Mersch, Nixon Sunny, Christos N. Markides, Nilay Shah, Adam Hawkes IN: Cell Reports Sustainability,

Using a multiscale modeling approach, the authors explore NETs’ potential for a single country, the United Kingdom (UK). Here, they report that the UK has cost-effective potential to remove 79 MtCO2 per year by 2050, rising to 126–134 MtCO2 per year with well-integrated NETs in industrial clusters. Results highlight that biomass gasification for hydrogen generation with CCS is emerging as a key NET, despite biomass availability being a limiting factor. Moreover, solid DACCS systems utilizing industrial waste heat integration offer a solution to offsetting increases in demand from transportation and industrial sectors.


Madankan & Renforth (2023): An inventory of UK mineral resources suitable for enhanced rock weathering

Mohammad Madankan, Phil Renforth IN: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 130, 104010,

Evaluation of the available resources of these minerals and current production capacity is crucial for early-stage deployment of Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW). A robust understanding of the potential limitations in exploiting these resources is also required to ensure the scalability of ERW. This paper provides a spatial inventory of basic silicate rock resources in the UK along with current production capacity and permitted reserves. The authors also integrate spatial data to assess the potential environmental and social impacts of current rock extraction.


Buckingham & Henderson (2023): The enhanced weathering potential of a range of silicate and carbonate additions in a UK agricultural soil

F.L. Buckingham, G.M. Henderson IN: Science of The Total Environment, 907, 167701,

In this study, soil cores extracted from a typical UK agricultural site in Oxfordshire were used to geochemically assess the efficacy of EW while simulating field conditions. Six material “treatments” were applied to soil cores at a rate equivalent to 50 t ha−1: agricultural lime (aglime), basalt, cement kiln dust (CKD), olivine, steel slag, and volcanic ash. A range of chemical measurements were used to constrain the rate of dissolution, fate of dissolution products, and the CDR potential and environmental impact of treatment.


Harvey et al. (2023): Developing carbon dioxide removal policy and anticipatory perspectives in the United Kingdom and United State

Victoria Harvey, Mark Workman, Richard Heap IN: Energy Research & Social Science, 102, 103185,

Policy analysis around CDR has become an area of focus as a function of its importance in establishing, developing and scaling a just, equitable and sustainable net zero transition. This research proposes a novel rapid policy analysis process, based on the decision theatre format, that uses strategic foresight to develop anticipatory, values-based CDR policy insights. This contribution prototypes this rapid approach on two pioneer national CDR developers – the United Kingdom and United States. Through its application, the method identifies opportunities for globally collaborative CDR policy intervention – a roadmap, a coordination hub, and agile policy processes – supported by regional policy specialisations – coordinating offices, measurement standards, and public capacity building – to achieve GtCO2 scale CDR deployment.


Donnison et al. (2023): A net-zero storyline for success? News media analysis of the social legitimacy of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage in the United Kingdom

Caspar L. Donnison, Karolina Trdlicova, Alison Mohr, Gail Taylor IN: Energy Research & Social Science 102, 103153,

BECCS is unlikely to perform a major role in national strategies whilst key aspects of deployment and public concerns are unaddressed, as happened with fracking. Since public understanding of the technology is limited, there is a crucial role for the news media in facilitating greater public discussion and understanding of BECCS. Here, a news media analysis of both national and regional newspapers explores the ‘storylines’ which frame the public debate on BECCS in the UK, and the coalitions of actors involved in presenting them.


Pathfinders Innovation ‘Sandpit’: Help shape the GGR research & innovation agenda

October 3, 2022; 10am-5pm; on-site Aspire, Leeds, UK

CO2RE is hosting an event to shape a new funding opportunity for GGR research. During a one-day sandpit, participants will come together to identify key gaps in the UK GGR innovation landscape and design the research agenda for next year’s Pathfinders competition. The Hub will pay participants travel costs to attend the event.


Correspondence: Technological innovations and climate change: negative emissions technologies


UK Government: Numerous consultations on negative emissions technologies (NETs) are currently holding up deployment of methods that could initially suck 5MtCO2/yr from the atmosphere by 2030, despite the Government’s ambition to roll them out.


Carbon Brief: The UK government has published its long-awaited net-zero strategy setting out how it plans to meet the country’s legally binding climate goals out to 2050.

„The 368-page strategy was published alongside a raft of other documents, including a 202-page heat and buildings strategy, a 135-page Treasury review of the costs of reaching net-zero and numerous other documents. In total, Carbon Brief counted 21 documents covering 1,868 pages.“