Schlagwort: USA

Nature – Adun et al. (2024): Near-term carbon dioxide removal deployment can minimize disruptive pace of decarbonization and economic risks towards United States’ net-zero goal

Humphrey Adun, Jeffrey Dankwa Ampah, Olusola Bamisile, Yihua Hu, Iain Staffell, Haris R. Gilani IN: Communications Earth & Environment,

The authors quantify how different carbon removal methods and their deployment timing affect achieving net zero emissions by 2050 in the United States.


Zhang et al. (2023): Feasibility of Carbon Dioxide Storage Resource Use within Climate Change Mitigation Scenarios for the United States

Yuting Zhang, Christopher Jackson, Nihal Darraj, Samuel Krevor IN: ACS Publications,

Here, the authors evaluate storage scenarios across four major modeling efforts. They apply a growth modeling framework using logistic curves to analyze the feasibility of growth trajectories under constraints imposed by the associated storage resource availability. The authors show that storage resources are abundant, and resources of the Gulf Coast alone would be sufficient to meet national demand were it not for transport limitations.


Fauvel et al. (2023): Regional implications of carbon dioxide removal in meeting net zero targets for the United States

Chloé Fauvel, Jay Fuhrman, Yang Ou, William Shobe, Scott C Doney, Haewon McJeon, Andrés F Clarens IN: Environmental Research Letters, DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/aced18

The authors used the Global Change Analysis Model for the United States to analyze how regional resources will influence and be influenced by CDR deployment in service of United States national net-zero targets. The modeling suggests that CDR will be deployed extensively, but unevenly, across the country. A number of US states have the resources, such as geologic carbon storage capacity and agricultural land, needed to become net exporters of negative emissions.


Report: Prospects for Land Sector Carbon Dioxide Removal in the United States

by David Wear, Matthew Wibbenmeyer, Resources for the Future, June 2023

The authors model the potential for such land based CDR by accounting for land use change and forest growth and mortality over the next 40 years. Absent policy interventions, land-based CDR is expected to continue to decline, averaging 0.73 GT/year, as the nation’s forests age and sequestration slows. Afforestation programs could expand CDR over this baseline, with a 30-million-acre program keeping it close to recent historical values (0.83 GT/year) and a 90-million-acre program growing it to 0.95 GT/year. Substantial investments in novel technologies and also land/forest sequestration will be required to accomplish the CDR goals of the Long-Term Strategy.


Harvey et al. (2023): Developing carbon dioxide removal policy and anticipatory perspectives in the United Kingdom and United State

Victoria Harvey, Mark Workman, Richard Heap IN: Energy Research & Social Science, 102, 103185,

Policy analysis around CDR has become an area of focus as a function of its importance in establishing, developing and scaling a just, equitable and sustainable net zero transition. This research proposes a novel rapid policy analysis process, based on the decision theatre format, that uses strategic foresight to develop anticipatory, values-based CDR policy insights. This contribution prototypes this rapid approach on two pioneer national CDR developers – the United Kingdom and United States. Through its application, the method identifies opportunities for globally collaborative CDR policy intervention – a roadmap, a coordination hub, and agile policy processes – supported by regional policy specialisations – coordinating offices, measurement standards, and public capacity building – to achieve GtCO2 scale CDR deployment.


Carbon removal is finally finding customers

by Tim McDonnell, Yahoo.News, May 31, 2023 at 4:37 PM GMT+2

„The nascent market for carbon removal credits — a more expensive, but far more credible alternative to increasingly discredited carbon offsets — took a few leaps forward this month, with an unprecedented round of corporate purchase agreements that push fringe technologies closer to the mainstream of climate action. In the last two weeks, Microsoft, JPMorgan Chase, Boeing, and a purchasing collective called Frontier — that represents tech giants including Stripe, Alphabet, and Meta — all agreed to buy large volumes of carbon removal credits, aiming to kick-start a virtuous cycle of demand and supply.“


Webinar Series: Model Legislation to Advance Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal Research

May 11, 2023, 6-7 pm CEST by Ocean Visions

With support from Ocean Visions, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University recently published model federal legislation to advance safe and responsible ocean carbon dioxide removal research in the United States. In this webinar, Romany Webb, Associate Research Scholar at Columbia Law School and Deputy Director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, will describe the existing legal framework for ocean carbon dioxide removal research in the U.S. and highlight key gaps and shortcomings in that framework. She will also discuss possible legal reforms to facilitate safe and responsible ocean carbon dioxide removal research.


Call for Applications: Carbon Removal Justice Fellows Program

Deadline for applications: May 20, 2023

Two-week Fellows Program will run from July 10-24, 2023

The National Wildlife Federation and the Institute for Carbon Removal Law and Policy at American University invite applicants for the inaugural cohort of the Carbon Removal Justice Fellows Program („the Fellows Program“). It is designed to bring environmental justice voices and perspectives into the fast-developing field of carbon removal policy, research, and private sector activity. The Fellows Program will:

  • Provide participants with an introduction to the field of carbon removal, centering environmental justice considerations and concerns;
  • Include conversations with key figures in U.S. federal policymaking, the private sector, and civil society; and
  • Involve site visits to two U.S. locations grappling with decisions around carbon removal. 

They invite applications from people who work with or in environmental justice organizations, who represent frontline climate communities, or who have a strong background in environmental justice-oriented organizing and practice. The Fellows Program will provide up to ten participants with a two-week introduction to the field. In addition, one participant will take up a full-time 11-month position with the National Wildlife Federation and work closely with staff at the Institute for Carbon Removal Law and Policy. Applicants should identify whether they are applying for the two-week fellowship, the 11-month opportunity with the National Wildlife Federation, or both.


Browning et al. (2023): Net-zero CO2 by 2050 scenarios for the United States in the Energy Modeling Forum 37 study

Morgan Browning, James McFarland, John Bistline, Gale Boyd, Matteo Muratori, Matthew Binsted, Chioke Harris, Trieu Mai, Geoff Blanford, Jae Edmonds, Allen A. Fawcett, Ozge Kaplan, John Weyant IN: Energy and Climate Change 4, 100104,

The Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) 37 study on deep decarbonization and high electrification analyzed a set of scenarios that achieve economy-wide net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in North America by mid-century, exploring the implications of different technology evolutions, policies, and behavioral assumptions affecting energy supply and demand. […] All models deploy negative emissions technologies (e.g., direct air capture and bioenergy with carbon capture and storage) in addition to land sinks to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions.