Monat: Februar 2015

Washington Post: The term that actually makes climate change less political

Media response to Kahan, D. M.; et al. (2015). „A[nbsp]new study, published recently in the Annals of the[nbsp]American Academy of Political and Social Science, confirms what we knew — that government[nbsp]proposals to cut greenhouse-gas emissions polarize us over climate change. But it also[nbsp]tells us of a potential policy that actually somewhat[nbsp]depolarizes[nbsp]people, while still[nbsp]getting them[nbsp]to care[nbsp]about climate change: geoengineering.“


Merk, Christine; et al. (2015): Exploring public perceptions of stratospheric sulfate injection

Merk, Christine; Pönitzsch, Gert; Kniebes, Carola; Rehdanz, Katrin; Schmidt, Ulrich (2015): Exploring public perceptions of stratospheric sulfate injection. In Climatic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-014-1317-7.

„Our paper provides insight into public perceptions and explores their underlying patterns using a survey conducted in Germany.“
