Jahr: 2016

Gasparini, Blaž; et al. (2016): Is increasing ice crystal sedimentation velocity in geoengineering simulations a good proxy for cirrus cloud seeding?

Gasparini, Blaž; Münch, Steffen; Poncet, Laure; Feldmann, Monika; Lohmann, Ulrike (2016): Is increasing ice crystal sedimentation velocity in geoengineering simulations a good proxy for cirrus cloud seeding? In: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., S. 1–24. DOI: 10.5194/acp-2016-1109.

The complex microphysical details of cirrus seeding with ice nucleating particles (INP) in numerical simulations are often mimicked by increasing ice crystal sedimentation velocities. So far it has not been tested whether these results are comparable to geoengineering simulations in which cirrus clouds are seeded with INP. We compare simulations where the ice crystal sedimentation velocity is increased at temperatures colder than −35 °C with simulations of cirrus seeding with INP using the ECHAM-HAM general circulation model. The radiative flux response of the two methods shows a similar behaviour in terms of annual and seasonal averages. Both methods decrease surface temperature but increase precipitation in response to a decreased atmospheric stability.


Köhler, Peter (2016): Using the Suess effect on the stable carbon isotope to distinguish the future from the past in radiocarbon

Köhler, Peter (2016): Using the Suess effect on the stable carbon isotope to distinguish the future from the past in radiocarbon. In: Environ. Res. Lett. 11 (12), S. 124016. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/11/12/124016.

„The depletion of 14C due to the emission of radiocarbon-free fossil fuels (14C Suess effect) might lead to similar values in future and past radiocarbon signatures potentially introducing ambiguity in dating. I here test if a similar impact on the stable carbon isotope via the 13C Suess effect might help to distinguish between ancient and future carbon sources. To analyze a wide range of possibilities, I add to future emission scenarios carbon dioxide reduction (CDR) mechanisms, which partly enhance the depletion of atmospheric ${{rm{Delta }}}^{14}{rm{C}}$ already caused by the 14C Suess effect.“


Washington Post: Rex Tillerson’s view of climate change: It’s just an ‘engineering problem’

„“One senses a geo-strategic attitude from Tillerson on energy and climate, in which oil and gas flows for example play a larger role in the broader foreign policy agenda,” said Paul Bledsoe, an energy and climate consultant and a former Clinton White House climate adviser. “On climate change, this might lead the Trump Administration toward different technologies,” he said, including not only nuclear energy but negative emissions approaches or so-called “geoengineering.”“
