Monat: Oktober 2017

New Scientist: Dimming the sun could save corals from bleaching and hurricanes

„Time for artificial planet coolers? A cooling “sunshade” for the planet could reduce harmful coral bleaching and the number of hurricanes, which damage reefs. With the effects of climate change becoming increasingly apparent, the idea of squirting a cloud of sulphate aerosols into the upper atmosphere is being investigated by several groups of scientists. This would scatter some of the sun’s rays back into space, reducing the rate at which the Earth is warming.“


The Conversation: ‘Geostorm’ movie shows dangers of hacking the climate – we need to talk about real-world geoengineering now

„Admittedly, the movie is a fantasy set in a deeply unrealistic near-future. But coming on the heels of one of the most extreme hurricane seasons in recent history, it’s tempting to imagine a world where we could regulate the weather. Despite a long history of interest in weather modification, controlling the climate is, to be frank, unattainable with current technology. But underneath the frippery of “Geostorm,” is there a valid message about the promises and perils of planetary management?“


Dagon, Katherine; Schrag, Daniel P. (2017): Regional Climate Variability under Model Simulations of Solar Geoengineering

Dagon, Katherine; Schrag, Daniel P. (2017): Regional Climate Variability under Model Simulations of Solar Geoengineering. In J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. DOI: 10.1002/2017JD027110.

„Here we investigate changes in boreal summer climate variability under solar geoengineering using multiple ensembles of model simulations. We find that spatially uniform solar geoengineering creates a strong meridional gradient in the Northern Hemisphere temperature response, with less consistent patterns in precipitation, evapotranspiration, and soil moisture.“


Mail Online: As scientists ponder „hacking the climate,“ poor countries are wary

„Such „geoengineering“ proposals include large-scale, controversial projects that aim to dim sunlight or capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The proposals – some of which sound like science fiction – are for the most part still in early stages of testing. But campaigners say poor countries might, once again, suffer the most devastating consequences if some of the technologies are used.“