Monat: Januar 2018

Science Newsline: Climate Engineering, Once Started, Would Have Severe Impacts If Stopped

„The study was published online today in Nature Ecology [&] Evolution. The paper was co-authored by Rutgers Distinguished Professor Alan Robock, research associate Lili Xia and postdoc Brian Zambri, all from the Department of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. Other co-authors were from the University of Maryland, Yale University and Stony Brook University.“


Trisos, Christopher H.; et al. (2018): Potentially dangerous consequences for biodiversity of solar geoengineering implementation and termination

Trisos, Christopher H.; Amatulli, Giuseppe; Gurevitch, Jessica; Robock, Alan; Xia, Lili; Zambri, Brian (2018): Potentially dangerous consequences for biodiversity of solar geoengineering implementation and termination. In Nat Ecol Evol 355. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0431-0.

„Here, we assess the effects of the rapid implementation, continuation and sudden termination of geoengineering on climate velocities—the speeds and directions that species would need to move to track changes in climate. Compared to a moderate climate change scenario (RCP4.5), rapid geoengineering implementation reduces temperature velocities towards zero in terrestrial biodiversity hotspots. […] Rapid geoengineering termination would significantly increase the threats to biodiversity from climate change.“


Heck, Vera; et al. (2018): Biomass-based negative emissions difficult to reconcile with planetary boundaries

Heck, Vera; Gerten, Dieter; Lucht, Wolfgang; Popp, Alexander (2018): Biomass-based negative emissions difficult to reconcile with planetary boundaries. In Nature Climate change 10, p.[nbsp]105007. DOI: 10.1038/s41558-017-0064-y.

„Roadmaps and socio-economic scenarios compatible with a 2 °C or 1.5 °C goal depend upon NE via bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) to balance remaining GHG emissions. However, large-scale deployment of BECCS would imply significant impacts on many Earth system components besides atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Here we explore the feasibility of NE via BECCS from dedicated plantations and potential trade-offs with planetary boundaries (PBs) for multiple socio-economic pathways. We show that while large-scale BECCS is intended to lower the pressure on the PB for climate change, it would most likely steer the Earth system closer to the PB for freshwater use and lead to further transgression of the PBs for land-system change, biosphere integrity and biogeochemical flows.“


Climate Geme Changers: Planetary Intervention

„Having increased atmospheric greenhouse gases by[nbsp]a third in only a century there is now a risk that[nbsp]the climate might change out of all recognition, in the space of only a few years.[nbsp][nbsp]So, now people are debating methods of intervening, including removal of[nbsp]atmospheric greenhouse gases and cooling the planet by increasing its albedo (reflecting more sunshine out to space).“


New Strait Times: Uncertainties and implications

„In the final analysis, there should be a global moratorium on large-scale geo-engineering intervention in the world’s climate until everything is in place: rules and regulations to be formulated must be accepted at the global level while sufficient research and pilot experiments must be carried out. A global research pool must also be formed. Recent findings regarding geo-engineering must be transparent and open.“


Pfrommer, Tobias (2018): A Model of Solar Radiation Management Liability

Pfrommer, Tobias (2018): A Model of Solar Radiation Management Liability. University of Heidelberg (Discussion Paper Series, 644).

„In this paper I examine the incentives structure and welfare consequences of SRM liability regimes. Characteristics specific to SRM impact on the incentives that liability regimes provide via the definition of harm and the liability standard. Consequently, a liability regime is defined as a combination of a definition of harm and a liability standard in the model.“