Monat: April 2019

Digital Trends: Geoengineering is risky and unproven, but soon it might be necessary

„Imagine the azure blue skies of summer fading to a hazy white as light-scattering aerosols are injected into Earth’s upper atmosphere. Imagine a planet covered with giant artificial chemical sponges leeching gases out of the air that we breathe. Imagine filling the Earth’s oceans with millions of pounds of calcium bicarbonate to alter the levels of acidification.“


Forbes: IEA Challenged to Address Limits to Negative Emissions

„The WEO offers the authoritative global outlook on the mix of fuels that will supply our energy decades into the future and, by extension, the level of carbon dioxide emissions that will result. Reverence for the document is so great in government and industry that some maintain that it does more than merely project the future, but in fact defines our path toward it.“


Bednar, J.; et al. (2019): On the financial viability of negative emissions

Bednar, J.; Obersteiner, M.; Wagner, F. (2019): On the financial viability of negative emissions. In: Nat Comms 10 (1), S. 1783. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-09782-x.

„Climate mitigation will have significant impacts on government spending necessary to finance large-scale deployment of Negative Emission Technologies (NETs). The required expenditure might consume up to a third of general government expenditure in advanced economies.“


Harvards Solar Geoengineering Research Program: Might research on solar geoengineering resemble its broader “free-driver” dynamics?

„It’s called “re-search” for a reason. You search, you search, and you search again. It also means that researchers will naturally tackle the low-hanging fruits first. Unearthing the harder bits just takes time. That’s the natural flow of things, and solar geoengineering research is unlikely to be different.“


Intelligencesquaredus: Engineering Solar Radiation Is a Crazy Idea (Video)

„Geoengineering is an ambitious set of experiments proposed by scientists to help mitigate the effects of climate change. And one type in particular, called solar geoengineering, has been the subject of debate. This process involves, among other techniques, injecting reflective particles into the stratosphere to reduce the amount of sun and heat that reaches the planet.“