Monat: Oktober 2020

Liu, Yayuan; et al. (2020): Electrochemically mediated gating membrane with dynamically controllable gas transport

Liu, Yayuan; Chow, Chun-Man; Phillips, Katherine R.; Wang, Miao; Voskian, Sahag; Hatton, T. Alan (2020): Electrochemically mediated gating membrane with dynamically controllable gas transport. In Science Advances 6 (42). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abc1741.

„An electrochemically mediated carbon dioxide concentrator demonstrates proof of concept by integrating the gating membranes with redox-active sorbents, where gating effectively prevented the cross-talk between feed and product gas streams for high-efficiency, directional carbon dioxide pumping. We anticipate our concept of dynamically regulating transport at gas-liquid interfaces to broadly inspire systems in fields of gas separation, miniaturized devices, multiphase reactors, and beyond.“


Sapinski, J. P.; et al. (2020): Has it come to this? The promises and perils of geoengineering on the brink

Sapinski, J. P.; Buck, Holly Jean; Malm, Andreas (Eds.) (2020): Has it come to this? The promises and perils of geoengineering on the brink. New Brunswick, Camden: Rutgers University Press (Nature, society, and culture).

„The editors set out this diverse collection of voices not as a monolithic, unified take on geoengineering, but as a place where creative thinkers, students, and interested environmental and social justice advocates can explore nuanced ideas in more than 240 characters.“


Rodriguez, Emily; et al. (2020): Tensions in the energy transition: Swedish and Finnish company perspectives on bioenergy with carbon capture and storage

Rodriguez, Emily; Lefvert, Adrian; Fridahl, Mathias; Grönkvist, Stefan; Haikola, Simon; Hansson, Anders (2020): Tensions in the energy transition: Swedish and Finnish company perspectives on bioenergy with carbon capture and storage. In Journal of Cleaner Production, p. 124527. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124527.

„In the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, Sweden and Finland reported 64% and 51% biogenic emissions, respectively, in facilities emitting over 100[nbsp]kt of carbon dioxide in 2017, while the corresponding collective figure for all European states in the database is 6%. This qualitative study highlights company actors’ perspectives on bioenergy with carbon capture and storage within a Nordic regional context and explores their perspective on emerging tensions in the energy transition.“