Schlagwort: BECCS

CO2 Energie AG, South Pole and Airfix launch largest biomass carbon removal and storage project in Switzerland, September 7, 2023

„The company CO2 Energie AG, the project developer Airfix and the climate company South Pole – with the contribution of carbon capture pioneers Carbon Impact – have started a ground-breaking project for CO₂ capture and geological storage. The project is set to become the largest of its kind in Switzerland to date with 21,800 tonnes of CO₂ to be removed over five years.“


Fernández-Ríos et al. (2023): Carbon accounting of negative emissions technologies integrated in the life cycle of spirulina supplements

Ana Fernández-Ríos, Isabela Butnar, María Margallo, Jara Laso, Aiduan Borrion, Rubén Aldaco IN: Science of The Total Environment 890, 164362,

Given the important contribution of the food sector to climate change, this study aims to investigate the role of two carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies in decarbonizing the production of Spirulina, an algae product commonly consumed for its nutritional characteristics. The proposed scenarios considered the replacement of synthetic food-grade CO2 in Arthrospira platensis cultivation (BAU scenario) with CO2 from beer fermentation (BRW) and CO2 from DACC (direct air carbon capture) (SDACC), representing two alternatives with great potential in the short and medium-long term, respectively.


Pan et al. (2023): Bamboo as a Nature-Based Solution (NbS) for Climate Change Mitigation: Biomass, Products, and Carbon Credits

Chunyu Pan, Guomo Zhou, Anil Kumar Shrestha, Jialu Chen, Robert Kozak, Nuyun Li, Jinliang Li, Yeyun He, Chunguang Sheng, Guangyu Wang IN: Climate 11(9), 175;

Bamboo, a rapidly growing woody grass prevalent in pan-tropical zones, holds promising potential as a nature-based solution (NbS) for climate change mitigation. In this systematic review of 91 research articles, the authors critically assess the scope and constraints of bamboo’s role in mitigating climate change across three dimensions: as a carbon sink in biomass form, as carbon storage in bamboo products, and as a contributor to carbon project credits.


Holmes et al. (2023): Evaluating degradation of CO2 adsorbents in flue gas from bioenergy with carbon capture and storage

Hannah E. Holmes, Robert D. Schreck, Pavithra Narayanan, Shreya Ghosh, Wenting Sun, Matthew J. Realff,  Ryan P. Lively IN: Sustaibable Engergy & Fuels,

The potential degradation of CO2 adsorbents in Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) was investigated through direct exposure to biomass combustion flue gas. Pre- and post-exposure characterization after 6–12 hours of exposure provided valuable insight into how common adsorbents would realistically perform in a BECCS process.


Stockholm Exergi realisiert CCS-Projekt mit Saipem

von Dorothee Palla,, 16.08.2023

„Der schwedische Energieversorger Stockholm Exergi will in seinem Biomassekraftwerk Värtaverket in der schwedischen Hauptstadt eine große CO2-Abscheidungsanlage errichten und hat eine Absichtserklärung mit dem italienischen Unternehmen Saipem unterzeichnet, das Ingenieur- und Baudienstleistungen für das Projekt erbringen soll. Laut Saipem ist die Absichtserklärung ein Schritt zur Unterzeichnung des vollständigen EPC-Vertrags und ermöglicht den Beginn begrenzter ingenieurtechnischer Tätigkeiten für das Projekt zur CO2-Abscheidung und Speicherung (CCS).“


Senadheera et al. (2023): Application of biochar in concrete – A review

Sachini Supunsala Senadheera, Souradeep Gupta, Harn Wei Kua, Deyi Hou, Sumin Kim, Daniel C.W. Tsang, Yong Sik Ok IN: Cement and Concrete Composites, 105204,

Although biochar has conventionally been used as a soil amendment in the agricultural industry, researchers have recently investigated its applicability in concrete. Importantly, the results thus far have reported its contribution to the enhancement of the mechanical, thermal, and physical properties of cement. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the physicochemical properties of biochar added cementitious materials, including the fresh and hardened properties of biochar-cement mixtures considering both environmental and economic aspects.


Saharudin et al. (2023): Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECSS): Life cycle environmental and economic assessment of electricity generated from palm oil wastes

Djasmine Mastisya Saharudin, Harish Kumar Jeswani, Adisa Azapagic IN: Applied Energy 349, 121506,

This research presents the first environmental and economic sustainability assessments of BECCS (Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage) utilising palm oil waste abundant in palm oil producing countries, such as Malaysia. The following five types of waste are considered: fronds, trunks, empty fruit bunches (EFBs), shells and fibres. Process simulation, techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment (LCA) are combined to determine the life cycle impacts and costs of BECCS from cradle to grave.


Wähling et al. (2023): The sequence matters: Expert opinions on policy mechanisms for bioenergy with carbon capture and storage

Lara-Sophie Wähling, Mathias Fridahl, Tobias Heimann, Christine Merk IN: Energy Research & Social Science 103, 103215,

This paper presents the results of a globally distributed survey on policies for incentivizing bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). The current lack of policy incentives to support the implementation of BECCS constitutes a major deployment barrier. Therefore, scientists and policymakers are now debating the optimal BECCS policy framework. Drawing on an online survey of experts (N = 46), the authors explore their policy preferences and whether those preferences differ or converge between experts from different working sectors.


Lap et al. (2023): BECCS as climate mitigation option in a Brazilian low carbon energy system: Estimating potential and effect of gigatonne scale CO2 storage

Tjerk Lap, René Benders, Floor van der Hilst, André Faaij IN: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 128, 103945,

In this study an energy system model is used to assess the BECCS decarbonization potential in Brazil, considering uncertainty in low-carbon biomass resources, and storage potential, injection rates and costs of CO2 storage, assessed in eight scenarios. A spatial explicit analysis is done to make improved estimates on the storage potential, injection rates, and costs for CO2 storage in the Rio Bonito saline aquifer of the Paraná basin.


CO2-Abspaltung und -Speicherung: Viele Wege, ein Ziel

Bernward Janzing,, 02.8.2023

„Durch neue Technik und einen anderen Umgang mit dem Erdboden kann man der Atmosphäre CO2 entziehen: mit Pflanzenkohle und Humusanreicherung.[…]Würde man auf allen Ackerflächen in Deutschland den Humusgehalt um 1 Prozentpunkt erhöhen, würde man etwa so viel Kohlenstoff binden, wie Deutschland in einem Jahr in Form von CO2 ausstößt. Der Erhalt und der Aufbau humusreicher Böden – speziell von Grünland und Mooren – dürfte damit einer der effizientesten (auch kosteneffizientesten) Wege sein, CO2 langfristig zu binden.“