Monat: Oktober 2012

Bellamy, Rob; et al. (2012): A review of climate geoengineering appraisals

Bellamy, Rob; Chilvers, Jason; Vaughan, Naomi E.; Lenton, Timothy M. (2012): A review of climate geoengineering appraisals. In: WIREs Clim Change 3 (6), S. 597–615. DOI 10.1002/wcc.197

„Appraisals of geoengineering are critically reviewed here for the first time using a systematic literature search and screen strategy. Substantial variability between different appraisals‘ outputs originates from usually hidden framing effects relating to contextual and methodological choices.“


Williamson, Phillip; et al. (2012): Ocean fertilization for geoengineering: a review of effectiveness, environmental impacts and emerging governance

Williamson, Phillip; Wallace, Douglas W.R; Law, Cliff S.; Boyd, Philip W.; Collos, Yves; Croot, Peter et al. (2012): Ocean fertilization for geoengineering: a review of effectiveness, environmental impacts and emerging governance. In: Process Safety and Environmental Protection. DOI 10.1016/j.psep.2012.10.007[nbsp] (in press)

„Fertilization using iron can increase the uptake of CO2 across the sea surface. But most of this uptake is transient; long-term sequestration is difficult to assess.“
