Monat: Juli 2022

He and Tyka [Preprint]: Limits and CO2 equilibration of near-coast alkalinity enhancement

Jing He and Michael Dominik Tyka IN: EGUsphere [preprint],, 2022

The authors study critical questions which determine the scale and viability of OAE (Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement): Which coastal locations are able to sustain a large flux of alkalinity at minimal pH and ΩArag (aragonite saturation) changes? What is the interference distance between adjacent OAE projects? How much CO2 is absorbed per unit of alkalinity added? How quickly does the induced CO2 deficiency equilibrate with the atmosphere? The preprint is open for discussion.


Werner et al. (2022): Potential of Land-Neutral Negative Emissions Through Biochar Sequestration

C. Werner, W. Lucht, D. Gerten, C. Kammann IN: Earth’s Future Vol. 10, Issue 7,

The autors assess feasible negative emissions contributions of alternative, more sustainable pyrogenic carbon capture and storage (PyCCS) based on land-neutral biomass production using biochar-mediated yield increases to maintain calorie production while realizing net CO2 extraction from the atmosphere. Simulations with a biosphere model indicate that such a land- and calorie-neutral PyCCS approach could sequester 0.44–2.62 Gt CO2 yr−1 depending on the assumed biochar-mediated yield increase achievable on (sub-)tropical cropland (15%, 20% and 30%, respectively).


Switching protocol doubles carbon capture capacity of supercapacitors

by Edward Gardner on

Researchers have developed a method that doubles the amount of carbon dioxide that can be captured with a supercapacitor. The devices made from coconut shell-derived porous carbon, capture CO­2 as they charge, which can then be controllably released when discharging the capacitors for collection and storage. By altering the voltage applied to the supercapacitor device while it’s charging, the scientists are able to significantly increase the carbon capture performance. 


Travertine Technologies: Re-engineering chemical production for Carbon Dioxide Removal

The proprietary electrochemical process permanently converts carbon dioxide into a mineral while simultaneously producing sulfuric acid–the world’s most produced chemical–for use in critical element extraction and fertilizer production. Travertine was founded by UC Berkeley Professor Laura Lammers, an expert in carbonate mineralization, to reduce the environmental impact of extracting elements that are needed for the renewable energy transition.


NETL Releases Carbon Dioxide Removal Program Fact Sheet

by NETL (U.S. Department National Energy Technology Laboratory)

A new NETL fact sheet summarizes a growing portfolio of research activity by its Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Program that is integral to U.S. efforts to achieve a net-zero carbon economy by 2050. NETL’s CDR suite of technologies couples research on carbon capture methods with long duration carbon storage.


Workshop: Marine CDR – Essential Science and Problem Solving for Measurement, Reporting, and Verification

September 27-30, 2022 (The University of Rhode Island)

The central goal of this workshop is to build the OCB (Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry) community’s capacity to conduct research on Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of marine CDR by identifying priorities, pathways and best practices in this relatively new area. This in-person workshop (with remote access to plenary talks) is designed for those with background knowledge in marine CDR already so the participants can collectively grapple with the science needed to measure and verify CDR in marine environments.


Silverman-Roati et al. (2022): Permitting Seaweed Cultivation for Carbon Sequestration in California: Barriers and Recommendations  

Korey Silverman-Roati, Romany M. Webb & Michael B. Gerrard Available at:

The paper, which examines barriers to seaweed permitting for carbon sequestration in California, is part of a series of white papers exploring the legal issues associated with several ocean-based carbon dioxide removal strategies, including ocean alkalinity enhancement and artificial upwelling and downwelling.


Webinar: Updating Ocean Visions’ Ocean-Based CDR Road Maps

Thu, July 28, 2022 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM EDT or Wed, August 3, 2022 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM EDT

Over the next few months, Ocean Visions will engage the ocean-based CDR community to help update its ocean-based CDR Road Maps. They will kick off the refresh with the map on ocean alkalinity enhancement. Contributions will help keep the road map information cutting-edge, and ensure its usefulness as a tool that can help advance the testing and development of OAE as a pathway with the potential to slow climate change. Ocean Visions is hosting two identical sessions to accommodate time zones and invite to attend either one of the two.

LINK July 28th

LINK August 3rd