CO₂-removal News

GeoEngineering – Chance oder Gefahr für die Erde?

„Das Max-Planck-Forum erörtert Für und Wider der derzeitigen Möglichkeiten der Geo-Ingenieure und fragt nach den aktuellen Handlungsspielräumen. Brauchen wir GeoEngineering wirklich oder ist es nur ein bequemer Ausweg für Politiker, das globale Klimaproblem ohne schwierige diplomatische Verhandlungen in den Griff zu bekommen?“

Podiumsdiskussionsgäste: Prof. Dr. Meinrat Andreae, Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz
Dr. Hauke Schmidt, Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie, Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Carl Friedrich Gethmann, Institut für Philosophie, Universität Essen-Duisburg

Third cluster examines the consequences of geo-engineering – Mark Lawrence appointed scientific director

„The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam, named atmospheric scientist PD Dr. Mark Lawrence (42) scientific director. […] Mark Lawrence will lead the IASS research cluster Sustainable Interactions with the Atmosphere (SIWA), which focuses on developing a sustainability-driven approach to managing human influence on the earth’s atmospheric composition with negligible or controllable short and long term impact on the climate, our health and ecosystems. His research at IASS will examine the relationship between air pollution and climate change in the age of urbanization, as well as the opportunities and risks presented by climate engineering, targeted intervention in the atmosphere’s chemical and physical processes as a means of reducing climate change.“

See the English press release under ‚read more‘. For German version klick here.

Negatonnes – An initial Assessment of the Potential for negative Emission Techniques to contribute safely and fairly to meeting carbon Budgets in the 21st century

„Because of past failures to mitigate emissions effectively, there is little prospect of safely balancing carbon budgets in the future without the use of techniques which remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (otherwise known as ‘negative emissions techniques’ or NETs) alongside much-accelerated mitigation. But without much-accelerated mitigation, this study suggests there is little if any chance that NETs can fill the gap.“
