CO₂-removal News

Effiong, Utibe; Neitzel, Richard L. (2016): Assessing the direct occupational and public health impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric aerosols

Effiong, Utibe; Neitzel, Richard L. (2016): Assessing the direct occupational and public health impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric aerosols. In Environmental health : a global access science source 15 (1), p. 7–7. DOI 10.1186/s12940-016-0089-0.

„We speculate on possible health impacts of exposure to one promising SRM material, barium titanate, using knowledge of similar nanomaterials. We also explore current regulatory efforts to minimize exposure to these toxicants. Our analysis suggests that adverse public health impacts may reasonably be expected from SRM via deployment of stratospheric aerosols.“


Craig Sams Blog: Bio Char

„If you add 18 to 20 tons of compost per hectare (2.2 acres) of land, only 1 ton of the carbon in the compost stays in the soil. As the compost decays into humus, the rest goes off into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. With biochar, 10 to 20 percent of the carbon goes off as carbon dioxide after a decade or so but the rest is sequestered in the soil for hundreds if not thousands of years.“


Pan, YiWen; et al. (2015): Research progress in artificial upwelling and its potential environmental effects

Pan, YiWen; Fan, Wei; Zhang, DaHai; Chen, JiaWang; Huang, HaoCai; Liu, ShuXia et al. (2015): Research progress in artificial upwelling and its potential environmental effects. In Sci. China Earth Sci. DOI 10.1007/s11430-015-5195-2.

„We reviewed the current knowledge on the development of an artificial upwelling system and its potential environmental effects. Special attention was given to the research progress on the air-lift concept artificial upwelling by Zhejiang University. The research on artificial upwelling over the past few decades has generated a range of devices that have been successfully applied in the field for months.“


Slate: These Two Experts Will Answer Your Burning Geoengineering Questions

Online on 19 Jan 2016. „On Tuesday, Jan. 19, at 3:30 Eastern, two experts will be here to answer your burning geoengineering questions. Jeff Goodell is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone, a fellow at New America, and the author of How to Cool the Planet: Geoengineering and the Audacious Quest to Fix Earth’s Climate. He will be joined by Raymond T. Pierrehumbert, who is the Halley professor of physics at the University of Oxford and has called geoengineering “barking mad.”“


Geoengineering Monitor: The hidden agenda: how veiled techno – utopias shore up the Paris Agreement

„The deepest challenge to whether the Agreement succeeds or fails, will not come from the incessant sniping of sceptics and luke-warmers or those politicians favouring a literal reading of Genesis over Darwin. Instead, it was set in train many years ago by a cadre of well-meaning scientists, engineers and economists investigating a Plan B. What if the international community fails to recognise that temperatures relate to ongoing cumulative emissions of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide?“
