CO₂-removal News

DeMott, Paul J.; et al. (2015): Sea spray aerosol as a unique source of ice nucleating particles

DeMott, Paul J.; Hill, Thomas C. J.; McCluskey, Christina S.; Prather, Kimberly A.; Collins, Douglas B.; Sullivan, Ryan C. et al. (2015): Sea spray aerosol as a unique source of ice nucleating particles. In PNAS. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1514034112.

„Ice nucleating particles (INPs) are vital for ice initiation in, and precipitation from, mixed-phase clouds. A source of INPs from oceans within sea spray aerosol (SSA) emissions has been suggested in previous studies but remained unconfirmed. Here, we show that INPs are emitted using real wave breaking in a laboratory flume to produce SSA.“


FCEA Blog: Building Better Concepts in Climate Engineering: why bother with CDR and SRM?

By Patrick Taylor Smith. „I want to take a step back from the particulars of the conversation between Horton and McLaren and ask the following question: what is the point of drawing—or of failing to draw—a distinction between SRM and CDR? The very question, “Should we treat SRM and CDR the same or different?” presumes that there are useful categories—‘SRM’ and ‘CDR’—that ought to serve as the foundation of our analysis of geoengineering.“


Envisionation: Climate Justice? “Let them eat cake!” Discussion: Professor Kevin Anderson & Dr. Hugh Hunt

„In this spontaneous conversation between two of Britain’s most vocal scientists on climate change and engineering, we see a frank analysis of the details that bely inconvenient truths for each one us. Our current carbon pollution rate is taking us towards a planet that is on average 4ºC warmer than today with regional variations far exceeding this and changes to the natural world that will be so profound that it is fair to say, this will not be the same planet.“


Nature: Talks in the city of light generate more heat

„Rather than relying on far-off negative-emissions technologies, Paris needed to deliver a low-carbon road map for today, argues Kevin Anderson. […] Governments, prompted by their advisers, have plumped for BECCS (biomass energy carbon capture and storage) as the most promising ’negative-emissions technology‘.“


Before they Vanish Blog: Forestry in China: An Introduction

Carbon sequestration through reforestation and afforestation is disproportionate to the rate of carbon emissions and the carbon sink loss due to deforestation. Deforestation, according to the IPCC, accounts for 20% of overall greenhouse gas emissions (Barker et al. 2007). A staunch believer in the potential of anthropogenic intervention in climate change, Watson claims that “significant reductions in net greenhouse gas emissions” are possible with technology and “policy measures in the…agricultural and forestry sectors”.
