CO₂-removal News

New York Times: Iowa’s Climate-Change Wisdom

On bio-CDR in soil. „Despite the fact that the United Nations General Assembly declared 2015 to be “the international year of soils,” a global soil carbon sequestration campaign — one that recognizes direct links between climate mitigation, regenerative agriculture and food security — rarely ranks at the top of any high level accords, or even conversations.“


The Suburban: Geoengineering examines the possibility of intentionally altering our global climate

„With every plan for geoengineering the idea can be picked apart and we can theorize as to the positive or negative repercussions. On the whole the risk is that geoengineering is totally untested, but more worrisome still untestable. As we only have the earth as a model we cannot test the theories of geoengineering without full planetary deployment.“


Zhe, Liu; Ying, Chen (2015): Impacts, risks, and governance of climate engineering

Zhe, Liu; Ying, Chen (2015): Impacts, risks, and governance of climate engineering. In Advances in Climate Change Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.accre.2015.10.004[nbsp]

„This manuscript provides an overview of several aspects of climate engineering, including its definition, its potential impacts and risk, and its governance status. The overall conclusion is that China is not yet ready to implement climate engineering.“


Heutel, Garth; et al. (2015): Climate Engineering Economics

Heutel, Garth; Moreno-Cruz, Juan; Ricke, Katharine (2015): Climate Engineering Economics. Cambridge, MA (NBER Working Paper Series, 21711).

„This article reviews and evaluates the nascent literature on the economics of climate engineering. […] We review the science and engineering characteristics of these technologies and analyze the implications of those characteristics on economic policy design. We discuss optimal policy and carbon price, inter-regional and inter-generational equity issues, strategic interaction in the design of international environmental agreements, and the sources of risk and uncertainty surrounding these technologies.“

Link (pdf)

Hourdequin, Marion (2015): The ethics of geoengineering

Hourdequin, Marion (2015): The ethics of geoengineering. In The Philosophers‘ Magazine (71), pp.[nbsp]44–50. DOI: 10.5840/tpm201571101[nbsp]

„What is distinctive about contemporary climate change is that it is human caused. significant in magnitude, and exceptionally rapid in relation to past climatic shifts. Not only does this pose challenges to human society; it is transforming ecosystems and outpacing the ability of individual species to adapt to changing conditions.“
