CO₂-removal News

Curvelo, Paula (2015): Geoengineering dreams

Curvelo, Paula (2015): Geoengineering dreams. In: Angela Guimaraes Pereira und Silvio Funtowicz (Hg.): Science, Philosophy and Sustainability. The End of the Cartesian dream. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis (Routledge Explorations in Sustainability and Governance), S. 114–132.

„In fact, as we will see next, the attempt to untangle the abiguities associated with the term through the identification of this key characteristics[nbsp] of geoengineering action generates even more obscurity in an already clouded field.“


Sustainable Shipping Initiative (2015): Signals of Change

Sustainable Shipping Initiative (2015): Signals of Change. Looking at the potential impact of emerging signals of change on the future of sustainable shipping.

Report with one page (p. 23) on CE. „If geoengineering starts to gain mainstream acceptance, there may be the opportunity, or even expectation, for shipping industry players to invest in studies and innovative implementation of these solutions.“


Wibeck, Victoria; et al. (2015): Questioning the technological fix to climate change – Lay sense-making of geoengineering in Sweden

Wibeck, Victoria; Hansson, Anders; Anshelm, Jonas (2015): Questioning the technological fix to climate change – Lay sense-making of geoengineering in Sweden. In: Energy Research [&] Social Science 7 (0), S. 23–30. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2015.03.001.

„This paper explores how Swedish laypeople make sense of emerging ideas of the large-scale deliberate technical manipulation of the global climate, known as geoengineering (GE). The paper is based on semi-structured focus group interviews with open-ended questions, allowing participants to express their spontaneous thoughts about GE.“


Cunha, Daniel (2015): The Anthropocene as Fetishism

Cunha, Daniel (2015): The Anthropocene as Fetishism. In: Mediations 28 (2), S. 65–77.

„In fact, this means taking the promise of the Anthropocene very seriously, that is, Man should take conscious control of planetary material cycles, extend the terrain of the political hitherto left to the blind mechanics of nature and, in capitalism, to commodity fetishism.64 And this not only because the productive forces developed by capitalism allow it — although up to now we do it without conscious social control — but also because it might be necessary.“
