CO₂-removal News

Science Political Blog: Geoengineering and Climate Interventions: Too Risky or Needs More Research?

„I worry that this report would pave the way for wasting large investments of funding and effort researching these schemes, rather than focusing on the goal of slowing and eventually stopping climate change by transitioning to a low-carbon economy. Moreover, if people believe that a technological solution is possible in the distant future, they will not strive so hard to reduce carbon emissions today and will continue with business-as-usual.“


Skeptical Science: Does providing information on geoengineering reduce climate polarization?

Critical response to Kahan, D. M.; et al. (2015). „I will argue here that this experiment achieved no such result because the premise was wrong. Specifically, the information on geoengineering that was presented to the study participants (in the form of a fictional newspaper article) bears no relation to mainstream scientific opinion on geoengineering nor, even, to the opinions of advocates of geoengineering.


Moreno-Cruz, Juan B.; et al. (2015): The Economics of Climate Engineering

Moreno-Cruz, Juan B.; Ricke, Katharine L.; Wagner, Gernot (2015): The Economics of Climate Engineering (Geoengineering Our Climate? Working Paper and Opinion Article Series).

„In terms of policy interventions, this means that rather than pursuing individual actors to mitigate counter to their
immediate personal interest, the task becomes one of reining in those who want to pursue climate engineering of their own volition.“
