CO₂-removal News

Asayama, S. (2014): Catastrophism toward opening up or closing down? Going beyond the apocalyptic future and geoengineering

Asayama, S. (2014): Catastrophism toward ‚opening up‘ or ‚closing down‘? Going beyond the apocalyptic future and geoengineering. In Current Sociology 63 (1), pp. 89–93. DOI 10.1177/0011392114559849.

„In the debate on climate change, there are two competing catastrophisms: one is emancipatory catastrophism, coined by Ulrich Beck; and the other is what the author of this article calls apocalyptic catastrophism – the dystopian imagination of the future climate and a discourse serving to feed the idea of a ‘techno-fix’, namely geoengineering the Earth’s climate.“


The Engergy Collective: Are Negative Emissions a „Myth?“

„In a recent column for Project Syndicate, Lili Fuhr and Niclas Hallstrom rail against carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies, counting them among the[nbsp]group of “ineffective or impossible” solutions[nbsp]to climate change. The sad reality is that today, Fuhr and Hallstrom’s conclusion is not that far from the truth for most most CDR solutions, which are not cost-competitive and/or technically-proven compared to other GHG abatement approaches.“


re/code: Harvard’s David Keith Knows How to Dial Down the Earth’s Thermostat. Is It Time to Try?

„David Keith, a professor of public policy and applied physics at Harvard University, isn’t counting on dire[nbsp]reports to change that. Instead, he is seriously exploring the possibility of altering[nbsp]the climate system itself to counteract the escalating dangers,[nbsp]using technology to create our own knob on[nbsp]the Earth’s[nbsp]thermostat.“
