CO₂-removal News

Singer, Clifford; et al. (2014): How China’s Options Will Determine Global Warming

Singer, Clifford; Milligan, Timothy; Rethinaraj, T. S. (2014): How China’s Options Will Determine Global Warming. In Challenges 5 (1), pp. 1–25. DOI 10.3390/challe5010001.

Comparing China’s climate policy options. „While China could hold back on implementing geoengineering given a remarkable amount of international cooperation on limiting fossil carbon burning, an outcome where geoengineering is used to delay the perceived need to limit the atmospheric CO2 concentration may be difficult to avoid.“


Doelle, Meinhard (2014): Geo-engineering and Dispute Settlement under UNCLOS and the UNFCCC

Doelle, Meinhard (2014): Geo-engineering and Dispute Settlement under UNCLOS and the UNFCCC. Stormy Seas Ahead? (Schulich School of Law Working Paper Series).

This paper considers the potential for the UNCLOS and UNFCCC regimes to be faced with disputes at the intersection between the management of climate change and ocean governance. Using the example of geo-engineering[.]“
