Schlagwort: afforestation

Stevens & Bond (2023): A trillion trees: carbon capture or fuelling fires?

Nicola Stevens, William J. Bond IN: Trends in Ecology & Evolution,

Afforesting grassy systems for carbon gain using flammable plantation trees could shift the fire regime from lower intensity grass-fuelled fires to high-intensity crown fires. Future changes in climate will worsen this. The authors highlight the fire risk of trees planted for carbon and costs of fire protection using African examples.


Aguirre-Gutiérrez et al. (2023): Valuing the functionality of tropical ecosystems beyond carbon

Jesús Aguirre-Gutiérrez, Nicola Stevens, Erika Berenguer IN: Trends in Ecology and Evolution,

Land-based carbon sequestration projects, such as tree planting, are a prominent strategy to offset carbon emissions. However, we risk reducing natural ecosystems to one metric – carbon. Emphasis on restoring ecosystems to balance ecosystem services, biodiversity conservation, and carbon sequestration is a more appropriate strategy to protect their functioning.


Yi & Xu (2023): The potential of China’s ecosystems in meeting the carbon neutrality goal: evidence from the forest sector

Yuanyuan Yi, Jintao Xu IN: China Economic Journal, 16, 2,

The authors show the cost-effectiveness of using forests as Nature-based Solutions pathways that offset carbon dioxide (CO2). Afforestation and reforestation expand forest cover, sustainable forest management increases forest productivity, and substituting carbon-intensive materials with wood products avoids the CO2 emitted in the production processes of these materials.


Wie ein weltweites klimaneutrales und Wohlstand schaffendes Energiesystem aussehen kann

Franz Josef Radermacher,, 09. September

„In einer Referenzlösung zeigt der Abschlussreport des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung einen Weg auf, der es im Zeitraum 2050 – 2070 zehn Milliarden Menschen ermöglicht, ein Leben in Freiheit mit angemessenem Wohlstand in sozialer Balance, intakter Umwelt und stabilem Klimasystem zu führen. Von entscheidender Bedeutung ist dafür die Ausgestaltung des Energiesystems, da dieses von wesentlichem Einfluss auf Erfolg oder Misserfolg bei Klimaschutz und Wohlstandsaufbau ist. Sein Mitverfasser, Professor Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz Josef Radermacher, skizziert den Ansatz.“


Misra & Jha (2023): How to combat atmospheric carbon dioxide along with development activities? A mathematical model

A.K. Misra & Anjali Jha IN: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 454, 133861,

The authors have formulated a non-linear mathematical model concerning the strategy of maintaining the atmospheric level of along with development activities and analyzed the proportion of deforested land needed for the plantation of leafy trees. This strategy will ensure that the absorption of carbon dioxide remains at its previous level. To study the long-term behavior of the formulated model system, the authors employ the qualitative theory of differential equations.


Köhl & Martes (2023): Forests: A passive CO2 sink or an active CO2 pump?

Michael Köhl, Leam M. Martes IN: Forest Policy and Economics 155, 103040,

Forests can make a much greater contribution to climate neutrality by harvesting their wood and supplying it to low-emission processing operations, and by sequestering the carbon contained in the biomass used in wood products over the long term.


Living Carbon’s Maddie Hall on bioengineering super trees to help fight climate change, synthetic bio’s potential, carbon credits

podcast by Sabrina Halper of HOF Capital, 46 min

Maddie Hall is the co-founder and CEO of Living Carbon, a plant bio-tech company growing genetically modified poplars and pines capable of absorbing much more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than regular trees. Previously, she worked on special projects at Y Combinator and OpenAI.


Korosuo et al. (2023): The role of forests in the EU climate policy: are we on the right track?

Anu Korosuo, Roberto Pilli, Raúl Abad Viñas, Viorel N. B. Blujdea, Rene R. Colditz, Giulia Fiorese, Simone Rossi, Matteo Vizzarri, Giacomo Grassi IN: Carbon Balance and Management 18 (15),

In this study, the authors clarify the role of common concepts in forest management – net annual increment, harvest and mortality – in determining the forest sink. The authors evaluate to what extent the forest sink is on track to meet the climate goals of the EU. For this assessment they use data from the latest national GHG inventories and a forest model (Carbon Budget Model).


Nature – Melnikova et al. (2023): Relative benefits of allocating land to bioenergy crops and forests vary by region

Irina Melnikova, Philippe Ciais, Katsumasa Tanaka, Nicolas Vuichard, Olivier Boucher IN: Communications Earth & Environment 4, 230,

Here the authors compare bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and afforestation and reforestation in terms of their carbon removal potentials and impacts on carbon cycle and surface climate under an overshoot pathway using Earth System Model simulations. The decision to allocate land to bioenergy crops or forests should account for their respective carbon removal potentials, modulated by carbon-concentration and carbon-climate feedbacks, and the effects on climate.