Schlagwort: afforestation

Kirschbaum et al. (2024): Is tree planting an effective strategy for climate change mitigation?

Miko U.F. Kirschbaum, Annette L. Cowie, Josep Peñuelas, Pete Smith, Richard T. Conant, Rowan F. Sage, Miguel Brandão, M. Francesca Cotrufo, Yiqi Luo, Danielle A. Way, Sharon A. Robinson IN: Science of The Total Environment 909, 168479,

Tree plantings may be beneficial or detrimental for mitigating climate-change impacts, but the range of possibilities makes generalisations difficult. Their net benefit depends on many factors that differ between specific circumstances. One can, therefore, neither uncritically endorse tree planting everywhere, nor condemn it as counter-productive. The author´s aim is to provide key information to enable appropriate assessments to be made under specific circumstances. They conclude their discussion by providing a step-by-step guide for assessing the merit of tree plantings under specific circumstances.


Nature – Mo et al. (2023): Integrated global assessment of the natural forest carbon potential

Lidong Mo, Constantin M. Zohner, Peter B. Reich et al. IN: Nature (2023).

Forests are a substantial terrestrial carbon sink, but anthropogenic changes in land use and climate have considerably reduced the scale of this system. Remote-sensing estimates to quantify carbon losses from global forests are characterized by considerable uncertainty and the authors lack a comprehensive ground-sourced evaluation to benchmark these estimates. Here the authors combine several ground-sourced and satellite-derived approaches to evaluate the scale of the global forest carbon potential outside agricultural and urban lands.


Aleissa & Bakshi (2023): Simulation tools for net-positive process design – Trees as unit operations for carbon sequestration and air quality regulation

Yazeed M. Aleissa, Bhavik R. Bakshi IN: Computers & Chemical Engineering 179, 108455,

This work focuses on integrating vegetation as unit operations in process design to remove air pollutants and sequester carbon. The authors developed a practitioner-friendly simulation module in CHEMCAD that utilizes sophisticated rural and urban forestry models developed by the online i-Tree assessment tool. The authors demonstrate the module through a power plant case study and highlight some alternative spatially explicit integrated designs that are environmentally and economically superior.


Cox et al. (2023): Carbon sequestration and storage implications of three forest management regimes in the Wabanaki-Acadian Forest: A review of the evidence

Emma Cox, Thomas M. Beckley, Megan de Graaf IN: Environmental Reviews,

Forests contain substantial carbon stores, including above and below ground, living and non-living biomass. Different management regimes produce different outcomes related to stored and sequestered carbon in forests. The geographic focus of this paper is the Wabanaki-Acadian Forest of the Maritime Provinces of Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island). This manuscript reviews literature to evaluate the carbon impacts of (1) intensive forest management for fiber products, (2) unharvested (or conservation) forest, and (3) climate-focused, ecological forestry.


Stevens & Bond (2023): A trillion trees: carbon capture or fuelling fires?

Nicola Stevens, William J. Bond IN: Trends in Ecology & Evolution,

Afforesting grassy systems for carbon gain using flammable plantation trees could shift the fire regime from lower intensity grass-fuelled fires to high-intensity crown fires. Future changes in climate will worsen this. The authors highlight the fire risk of trees planted for carbon and costs of fire protection using African examples.


Aguirre-Gutiérrez et al. (2023): Valuing the functionality of tropical ecosystems beyond carbon

Jesús Aguirre-Gutiérrez, Nicola Stevens, Erika Berenguer IN: Trends in Ecology and Evolution,

Land-based carbon sequestration projects, such as tree planting, are a prominent strategy to offset carbon emissions. However, we risk reducing natural ecosystems to one metric – carbon. Emphasis on restoring ecosystems to balance ecosystem services, biodiversity conservation, and carbon sequestration is a more appropriate strategy to protect their functioning.


Yi & Xu (2023): The potential of China’s ecosystems in meeting the carbon neutrality goal: evidence from the forest sector

Yuanyuan Yi, Jintao Xu IN: China Economic Journal, 16, 2,

The authors show the cost-effectiveness of using forests as Nature-based Solutions pathways that offset carbon dioxide (CO2). Afforestation and reforestation expand forest cover, sustainable forest management increases forest productivity, and substituting carbon-intensive materials with wood products avoids the CO2 emitted in the production processes of these materials.


Wie ein weltweites klimaneutrales und Wohlstand schaffendes Energiesystem aussehen kann

Franz Josef Radermacher,, 09. September

„In einer Referenzlösung zeigt der Abschlussreport des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung einen Weg auf, der es im Zeitraum 2050 – 2070 zehn Milliarden Menschen ermöglicht, ein Leben in Freiheit mit angemessenem Wohlstand in sozialer Balance, intakter Umwelt und stabilem Klimasystem zu führen. Von entscheidender Bedeutung ist dafür die Ausgestaltung des Energiesystems, da dieses von wesentlichem Einfluss auf Erfolg oder Misserfolg bei Klimaschutz und Wohlstandsaufbau ist. Sein Mitverfasser, Professor Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz Josef Radermacher, skizziert den Ansatz.“


Misra & Jha (2023): How to combat atmospheric carbon dioxide along with development activities? A mathematical model

A.K. Misra & Anjali Jha IN: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 454, 133861,

The authors have formulated a non-linear mathematical model concerning the strategy of maintaining the atmospheric level of along with development activities and analyzed the proportion of deforested land needed for the plantation of leafy trees. This strategy will ensure that the absorption of carbon dioxide remains at its previous level. To study the long-term behavior of the formulated model system, the authors employ the qualitative theory of differential equations.