CO₂-removal News

Bellona Europa (2015): IPCC 5th Climate Assessment Report: An unequivocal call for action on (Bio-)CCS

Bellona Europa (2015): IPCC 5th Climate Assessment Report: An unequivocal call for action on (Bio-)CCS (Bellona Brief).

„Drastically increase decarbonisation costs; preclude reaching the 2°C / 450 ppm target this century; likely result in missing our only chance to deal with runaway climate change; alienate potential allies from industrial sectors needed for deep decarbonisation; and increase the political barriers to transformational change. This brief, summarising the case for action on CCS and Bio-CCS as laid out in the IPCC 5AR, is being launched today, 7 December 2015, at the UN Climate Conference COP 21, where Bellona’s Founder and President Frederic Hauge is speaking among the IPCC’s Vice Chair, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, and Associate Professor at Radbout University, Heleen de Coninck.“


Washington Post: A secret weapon to fight climate change: dirt

„It’s possible to halt and even reverse this process through better agricultural policies and practices. Unfortunately, the world leaders who gathered in Paris this past week have paid little attention to the critical links between climate change and agriculture. That’s a huge mistake and a missed opportunity. Our unsustainable farming methods are a central contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change, quite simply, cannot be halted without fixing agriculture.“


Climate Central: Geoengineering a ‘Risky’ Bet, Scientists Warn Negotiators

„References to “negative emissions” have been dropped from a draft climate agreement that’s being finalized at meetings in Paris. The term had referred to an imagined world where geoengineering projects and forests suck more heat-trapping carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere every year than industrial activities pump into it. Findings from a review article published Monday in Nature Climate Change suggest the negotiators have been prudent to remain wary of the concept, given the high price tags and environmental costs that would accompany it.“


Kumar, Kanhaiya; et al. (2015): CO2 Sequestration Through Algal Biomass Production

Kumar, Kanhaiya; Mishra, Sanjiv Kumar; Choi, Gang-Guk; Yang, Ji-Won (2015): CO2 Sequestration Through Algal Biomass Production. In Debabrata Das (Ed.): Algal Biorefinery: An Integrated Approach. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp.[nbsp]35–57.

„As an aggressive move, CO2 sequestration through algal biomass produktion is an promissing option. CO2 sequestered algal biomass can be further utilized for the biofuel productions […]“


Smith, Pete; et al. (2015): Biophysical and economic limits to negative CO2 emissions

Smith, Pete; Davis, Steven J.; Creutzig, Felix; Fuss, Sabine; Minx, Jan; Gabrielle, Benoit et al. (2015): Biophysical and economic limits to negative CO2 emissions. In Nature Climate change. DOI: 10.1038/nclimate2870[nbsp]

„We quantify potential global impacts of the different NETs on various factors (such as land, greenhouse gas emissions, water, albedo, nutrients and energy) to determine the biophysical limits to, and economic costs of, their widespread application. Resource implications vary between technologies and need to be satisfactorily addressed if NETs are to have a significant role in achieving climate goals.“


The Conversation: Removing CO2 from the atmosphere won’t save us: we have to cut emissions now

Media article on Smith, Pete; et al. (2015). On negative emissions. „We find that these technologies might play a role in climate mitigation. However, the large scales of deployment currently used in most pathways that limit warming to 2℃ will be severely constrained by environmental and socio-economic factors. This increases the pressure to raise the level of ambition in reducing fossil fuel emissions now“
