CO₂-removal News

Viger, Maud; et al. (2014): More plant growth but less plant defence? First global gene expression data for plants grown in soil amended with biochar

Viger, Maud; Hancock, Robert D.; Miglietta, Franco; Taylor, Gail (2014): More plant growth but less plant defence? First global gene expression data for plants grown in soil amended with biochar. In GCB Bioenergy, pp. n/a. DOI 10.1111/gcbb.12182.

Paper on biochar risks. „Using the model plant Arabidopsis and the crop plant lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), we found increased plant growth in both species following biochar application. Statistically significant increases for Arabidopsis in leaf area (130%), rosette diameter (61%) and root length (100%) were observed with similar findings in lettuce, where biochar application also increased leaf cell expansion.“


McLaren, Duncan (2014): Capturing the Imagination. Prospects for Direct Air Capture as a Climate Measure. Case Study

McLaren, Duncan (2014): Capturing the Imagination. Prospects for Direct Air Capture as a Climate Measure. Case Study (Geoengineering Our Climate? Working Paper and Opinion Article Series). Available online at

„This case study examines the development of DAC as a climate response and the obstacles remaining to its deployment at scale.“
